Monday, April 13, 2020

Call to Support Land and Self-Determination Projects in the Pacific Northwest

One thing this pandemic has made clear is that all we have is each other and the State will never come save us. We have seen a lot of great grassroots and autonomous mutual aid projects throughout different communities. Some of us feel there is a need to become self-determined as communities by connecting to the land, growing our food, and being self-sustainable. We want to stop relying on capitalism as much as possible and start creating infrastructure for a radically different world.

The basis for all life is land, water, and the air we breathe; which is still being destroyed by this system, and there is a bigger crisis we are yet to fight and prepare for.

We are putting out a call to folks in the so-called Pacific Northwest to build land projects and support people who are working to do that now:

At the moment we are collecting seed donations, tools, or any other resource you can donate.

We understand this is all stolen indigenous land, and we want to work alongside indigenous people who are fighting to take back the land from this colonial capitalist imperialist system.

To donate you can contact (Eugene) (western and Central Washington) 

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