Letter of solidarity with Greek Rebels!
http://www.revoluti onbythebook. akpress.org/ greek-rebelion/
By AK Press | December 19, 2008
We are writing as a group of world citizens to tell you that we are saddened by yet another police murder of a young person, Alexis Grigoropoulos. We do not see this as an isolated incident by one “bad cop” but as the direct result of a oppressive police force and repressive state. Alexis’ murder sparked a fire in Greece and has touched many all over the world. We are heartened by the response of our Greek comrades and write this letter in support of what has become a large-scale popular uprising in Greece with support worldwide. We applaud its principles and its targets - the police themselves, and the state institutions that create and feed the system of violence and oppression that they enforce. We will stand strong in whatever ways we can with the people of Greece who are making their voices heard. This struggle does not belong to Greece alone. The problems of Greece are problems of a deeply repressive capitalist world order. What is happening on the Greek barricades is happening elsewhere and everywhere. We hope that the fruits of our struggles and uprisings will yield a better and more just world for all. The time has come and the people will not back down.
In solidarity:
The Alexander Berkman Social Club
AK Press
PM PressKatharine Wallerstein
Devin Hoff
Paul Dalton
Chris Carlsson
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Chuck Morse
David Barkham
Cindy MilsteinRevolutionary Autonomous Communities
Cop Watch Los Angeles - Guerrilla Chapter
If you would like to add your name to the list signers, please write:
devilhoof@devinhoff platform. com
Photos from the Rebellion in Greece:
The events that have taken place so far, both inside and outside of Greece, following the murder of 16-year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos from the special guard Epaminondas Korkoneas, show clearly that we are in the midst of a popular insurrection. Ever growing segments of society (high school and university students, workers, unemployed, immigrants, detainees, poor,…) decide to come out in the streets and transform their rage for whatever oppresses them in every expression of their lives into action (dynamic mobilizations during which there are mass clashes with the forces of repression and attacks on government and capitalist targets, occupations of public buildings, open assemblies, counterinformation actions,…).
Within the frame of this insurrection, the City Hall of Aghios Dimitrios has been occupied since the morning of Thursday Dec. 11, so that it may become a place of counter-information, meeting, and self-organizing of the residents of the wider region and for the collective formation and implementation of actions. A main component of this occupation is the daily popular assembly with participation of up to 300 people, a process that functions in contrast to the entrusting of the management of our demands as well as of our struggles to whichever "representatives," elected or not. A process that tends to be implanted deeply into the consciousness of its participants on their role as political beings.
Without a doubt, this popular insurrection is clearly turning against the very structure of the current regime. Therefore, it follows that the subjects of this insurrection will face the repressive fury of the defenders of the system (the state, the businesses, the comfortable, …). Already there have been about 200 arrests around the country (often accompanied by violence and trumped up charges). Some of the charges, misdemeanors as well as felonies are: resisting arrest, disobedience, disturbing the peace, attempting to free detainees, use and possession of tools and explosives, attempt to inflict serious bodily harm, etc. In some instances, the state has prosecuted minors under anti-terrorist statutes (Larissa). Nevertheless, for us it is obvious that all these charges are political in nature. And of course the "not at all" predatory state (in conjunction with the "not at all" profiteering business people) has the audacity to prosecute so-called "looters".
By participating in the popular insurrection both inside and outside of the now liberated City Hall of Ag. Dimitrios, we express with our deeds our solidarity with those arrested and prosecuted for their actions in this social struggle. The struggle for their release and the cessation of prosecutions is absolutely connected with the very insurrection and must constitute a main demand.
A few lines above there was a reference to the defenders of the system. Unfortunately this category also includes those segments of society, which, while objectively belong on the side of the oppressed, whether by their opposition to the social struggle or whether by their silence (a result as much of the brainwashing from mass media as from the growing tendency to abandon collective claims and pursue individual solutions) end up playing the game of their oppressors. It is necessary that we realize what is the source of our problems and that all of us "below" are already on the crosshairs of the system, therefore it is to our advantage to join this insurrection.
Tuesday December 16, 2008, 7:00pm
at the liberated City Hall of Ag. Dimitrios"
Another quick translation. Letter from the friends of the boy killed by the police, posted on the blog of the Occupied Old City Hall of Halandri.
We are not terrorists, "hooded ones", "known-unknown".
These, the known-unknown....
We have dreams – don't kill our dreams.
We have momentum – don't stop our momentum.
REMEMBER. Once you were young as well.
Now you chase money, concern yourselves only with the "show case",
you got fat, bald,
We expected you will support us. We expected you will be interested, that for once you will make us proud. IN VAIN.
You live false lives, you have bowed your heads, you have lowered your pants
and are waiting for the day you will die.
You don't dream, you don't fall in love, you don't create.
You only sell and buy.
Where are the parents?
Where are the artists?
Why don't they come out?
PS Don't hit us with any more tear gas. WE can cry on our own.
Letter of friends of Alexis
A wave of repression against immigrants during the riots in Greece
In the last few days, there has been an explosion of violence and racism against immigrants by the police and the courts. In Athens only, over 50 immigrants have been sent to trial in flagrante delicto, with ridiculously insignificant accusations. This is the general picture: Express trials, no legal representation, no interpreters and a pre-decided charge of 18 months in prison followed by deportation. Most immigrants were arrested on the streets and not inside shops. Some were found carrying looted wares, some weren't. In one characteristic case, an immigrant was charged with robbery while he insisted that the single cellphone he was found carrying was actually his own! He was imprisoned and is awaiting deportation. In another incident, an immigrant was incarcerated for carrying a cellphone charging device! He was also sent to prison. He will be deported too.
In Athens, Patras and other cities, cops, para-State groups and fascists seized the opportunity to organize pogroms against immigrants. According to the denouncement by Elias Ahmed, representative of the Union of Bangladeshi Workers: "In the last days extremist nationalists are ambushing immigrants' meeting places. Most immigrants return home late at night, since they work in restaurants or do other evening jobs, and wherever the nationalists find them, they beat them up and terrorize them." The representative of the Afghan Community Zacher Mahmat issued an accusation stating, amongst other things: "Two nights ago at Attiki Square 4 or 5 Syrians were beaten up. They were attacked by a group of 10 to 15 (…) Everyday policemen beat up immigrants".
The police is working hard these days, with the excuse of lootings and unrest: Multiple arrests of immigrants, threats of deportation, beatings and mass transportations to police stations. On Monday evening, in an exhibition of atrocious violence in Omonoia Square, policemen were beating up immigrants for hours on end and dragging them to the nearby police station to be held (- let us note here that the Omonoia police station is notorious for its brutality).
And while all this is happening, the sensitive Interior minister Prokopis Pavlopoulos, -also head of the Greek Police (a post which he publicly announced he wanted to resign from, expecting that the prime minister would never accept his resignation)- is zealously getting on with his own business: On Friday 12 he and Merchant Marine, Aegean and Island Policy Minister Anastasis Papaligouras signed a declaration for the supply of equipment with the European agency FRONTEX, responsible for coordinating efforts to curb illegal immigration into Europe, at the former public order ministry with the executive director of FRONTEX Ilkka Laitinen. In other words, FRONTEX is congratulating the Greek police and coast guard for doing a good job and is offering them more arms and equipment…As minister Pavlopoulos proudly stated: "This initiative was taken by the Greek prime minister, and after this FRONTEX could eventually evolve into an organisation like Europol…I warmly thank mister Laitinen that the greatly successful NEPTUNE Operation [by FRONTEX], which was so important to us, was given an extension until March 1, 2009". Ilkka Laitinen returned the compliments by especially thanking the "Greek Police and the Greek Coast Guard for their cooperation".
But that is not the only cooperation beyond borders that is going on. The same goes for social struggle and solidarity. Governments in various European states are expressing their fear and caution…Let us prove them right.
We shall meet in the streets
A quick translation. I take responsibility for any errors. The original (in Greek) can be found at http://katadimadim.blogspot.com/
On December 6th, 2008, the special guardi Epaminondas Korkoneas pulled out his gun and murdered a citizen, a 16-year old kid. The rage that everyone feels is huge, despite all the attempts by the government and the mass media to disorient public opinion.
It is now certain that this insurrection is not only homage to the unjust loss of Alexandros Grigoropoulos. There has been a lot of talk since then about violence, thefts and pillages. For those in the media and power, violence is only what destroys the proper order.
For us however:
Violence is to work 40 years for crumbs and to wonder if you will ever retire.
Violence is the bonds, the stolen pensions, the securities fraud.
Violence is to be forced to take a housing loan that you will pay back through the nose.
Violence is the managerial right of the employer to fire you at will.
Violence is unemployment, temporary employment, 700 euros a monthii.
Violence is the "industrial accidents" because the bosses cut costs at the expense of worker safety.
Violence is to take psycho-medications and vitamins to withstand the exhaustive work schedule.
Violence is to be an immigrant, to live with the fear that you can be thrown out of the country at any time and to be in a state of constant insecurity.
Violence is to be simultaneously a wage worker, a housewife, and a mother.
Violence is to be worked to death and then to be told "smile, we are not asking that much of you."
The insurrection of high-school and university students, of temporary workers and immigrants broke this violence of normality. This insurrection must not stop! Syndicalists, political parties, priests, journalists and businesspeople do whatever they can to maintain the violence we described above.
It is not just them, but we too are responsible for the perpetuation of this situation. The insurrection opened a space where we can finally express ourselves freely. As a continuation of this opening we went forward with the occupation of the City Hall of Ag. Dimitrios and the formation of a popular assembly open to all.
An open space for communication, to break our silence, to undertake action for our life.
Saturday December 13 2008, 7:00pm, open popular assembly at the Ag. Dimitrios city hall.
iΕιδικοί Φρουροί , Special Guards, an elite force within the police department.
iiAverage salary in Greece, approx. US$930.00, not nearly enough to survive on.
First Annual Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair: A Beginning Marker of Resistence
by Rockero Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2008 at 3:40 AM
Saturday, December 13, 2008 LOS ANGELES - The organizers of the first annual Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair sent out a call for "dreamers, fighters, organizers, and rebels to come, meet, strategize, learn from each other, get books, attend workshops, participate, and join the movement." And despite the state's efforts to squelch our efforts, come they did--more than 700 people, mostly from the greater Los Angeles area, although some came from as far as San Diego, the Bay Area, Oregon, New York, and even Canada, to participate in this herstory-making event.
Videos from the Anarchist Bookfair
by Organic Raw Tofu Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2008 at 3:03 PM
More videos coming soon....
By AK Press | December 15, 2008
AK Press had a presence at the First Annual Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair held last weekend at the venerable Southern California Library in South Central LA. The event was a huge success, thanks to the hard work of the bookfair’s tireless organizers, attendees ready to dialogue and learn, and a spirit of resistance that seems to grow stronger everyday.
The following photos (all by Chuck Morse) will give you a feel for the event.
ABOVE: The crowded scene outside the library between workshops. Attendance at the event greatly exceeded the organizers expectations. It was packed! There were easily 600 to 700 people circulating at any given time.
ABOVE: A discussion in the Library’s courtyard.
ABOVE: People chatting between workshops in the Library’s “Reading Room.”
ABOVE: AK’s busy table!
ABOVE: A view of some of the other presses and publishers tabling at the event.
ABOVE: Participatory discussion during the “Queer and Trans Communities of Color” session.
ABOVE: Session organizers introducing the “Anarcha-Feminism/Women’s Health/Riot Grrl” session.
ABOVE: The “Black Panthers and Anarchism” session.
ABOVE: Ashanti Alston, “The Anarchist Panther,” speaks during the “Black Panthers and Anarchism” session.
Tuesday, ELALopezMaravilla
18 year old salvador zepeda, was gunned down and tortured
4 houses away from his home
To the east not even 3 blocks away the CHP Station to the north less then 4 blocks
Central Station of the Great Empire Sheriffs Dept.
A small community stands alone surrounded by freeways and main streets eastern
And floral. As you drive by and blink you would miss it
Predominately Chicano Latino families.
The chilling story of a young man in his early
Thriving years of life are gone. Loved by many, known as a young man that was seen as a happy Go lucky kid, had no priors of violence.
I stop and wonder why was he killed so brutally
What could he have done? As the palabra went out into the streets and the community.
..."The neighborhood is hot, worse then a fire cracker". Don't go there!
The stories got worse as I attempted to find out who is this young man who are his
Parents and worse of all I felt in my gut a great injustice being committed. I wasted no
Time and began’ to call my sources many eager to find out and assist.
Nearly 2 weeks went by
I finally received some good leads and decided to go in myself..............
It was true and much more.
I saw the flowers and the love of a community standing in mourning for this young man. As I parked those standing near moved quickly and began walking away,
I called out and they kept moving fast,
I knew this was not a natural way to perceive someone asking them to come. So I followed them and said I want to help you, I am not your enemy here is my card I need to speak to the family.
Immediately after they opened up I was asked to come in.
I Felt the spirit of the young man and others about, but a peace that I had finally found
The place I had been looking for.
A beautiful family the room filled with young women and children, sad
And in question, their eyes red filled with tears mourning for their lost.
The mother I could see was strong and in pain full of questions and desperate
For answers. Others were not certain if I was a spy
Or if in fact I could assist. The stories that came to my ears were confirmed,
And horrifying
This community is under siege
And not by another gang. Nor is this place in another country of war this is here in the USA Califas. EAST LOS ANGELES
A small community in an unincorporated place.
The face of the children in fear, the women concerned and nearly paralyzed, fumed with anger of Injustice.
One young lady stated, " They Come Every Day with their helicopters and sweep the streets beat on our young People, we are all traumatized".
The children once would say hello to the police are now in fear and you could see they
Are confused and do not trust them".
The East Los Angeles Sheriff Dept is holding this community hostage.
An unarmed young man had been harassed by one sheriff in particular,
Witness’s state that the young man was
Eventually gunned down, tortured and beat this young man Salvador Zepeda... eyewitness testify that 16 people were
Arrested as of today, on trumped up charges. Some cannot be located.......
This is an Urgent Call For Help" those of us that know of someone pls.
I need you to help us Help Them..... There have been continued sweeps,
Harassment, beatings and arrests to date.
Sheriffs continue to drive by and mock the death of the young man.
There is fear in the small streets
Of East Los Angeles. Not Iraq!!Our back yards.
Please contact me: aperez552003@yahoo.com
562 472-8394