Sunday, January 31, 2010

Anarchy in Riverside


Scorpion Collective and Cop Watch LA will be tabling at this event

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Show Tonight at the East Side Cafe -- Funds for Ojore Lutalo

Please help me out and repost this!! Saturday at the Eastside Cafe...

Sat Jan 30, 2010 @ the Eastside Cafe

Some of the funds will be used to support Ojore Lutalo

Friday, January 29, 2010

Update - Ojore Lutalo Out on Bail

For more information on who Ojore Lutalo is visit:

Article from the corporate media:

As of 9:30pm Mountain Time, Ojore is out and on his way to Denver.
Thanksto everyone that helped make that possible.

Bond was posted at the cost of $4,500. This cost has been fronted by
various amazing folks from across the country,
but much of this money is being loaned. Ojore is in major need of
donations to help pay these loans back!

The Philadelphia Anarchist Black Cross Federation is accepting donations
for this effort. Donations can be sent via paypal to:

Ojore's court date will be February 5th.


Please forward to anyone that needs or wants an update, so we can get some
funds raised.

Ojore Lutalo (New Afrikan Anarchist POW released from New Jersey State
Prison August 2009) had an arraignment this morning, Thursday January 28,
at 11 am in the La Junta City Courthouse. Ojore was formally charged with
“Interfering with Public Transportation, " a class 3 felony, based on
allegations from train passengers that Ojore made “terroristic threats
against the train” while on a personal phone call while he was a passenger
on the Amtrak train. Ojore has said that he was having a political
conversation with a friend at the time.

The prosecution initially asked for a $50,000 bond citing Ojore’s previous
”criminal” background and imprisonment as well as him being an out of
state resident.

The defense argued for a $1,000 bond citing Ojore’s links to the Denver
community and housing available to him as well as his previous
imprisonment being a “politically biased imprisonment”.

The judge ruled that Ojore’s bond would be set at $30,000, justifying this
amount because Ojore is an out-of-state resident, and in 1982 Ojore was
convicted of a failure to appear charge and presently posed a flight risk
due to this history.

Denver Anarchist Black Cross Federation members were present for the
hearing and are presently in La Junta working to bail him out. A bondsmen
has been secured that will post bond for Ojore at the cost of $4,500. This
cost has been fronted by various amazing folks from across the country,
but much of this money is being loaned. Ojore is in major need of
donations to help pay these loans back!

The Philadelphia Anarchist Black Cross Federation is accepting donations
for this effort. Donations can be sent via paypal to: timABCF@aol. com

Also, Ojore has a February 5th court date

He did not plead, it was just an arraignment, and typically for jailable
offenses judges will not allow a plea from a defendant at the arraignment,
at least here in CO and other states I have lived.

And the charge is a Class 3 Felony.

Free Ojore!

The Prosecutor said that two people on the train overheard a telephone call in which they believe Ojore “made terroristic threats”. His political past was raised by the prosecutor, who asked for a high bail, which has been set at 30 thousand dollars, partially due to his being an out of state resident, plus having had a 1982 (they dug deep into his past) failure to appear in New Jersey. They also want him to sign a waver of extradition. My understanding is that the Public Defender was excellent. Denver ABC is talking to Bail bonds people right now, and is in need of funds. Anyone who can, please use the Paypal listed below. Tim will forward the money raised directly to the Denver folks so Ojore can be bailed out today, if at all possible.

He has a February 5th court date. Two members of the Denver ABC were there and told the court that they would welcome him to stay with them while awaiting his court hearing.

If anyone has any questions, I can be reached at 908-410-3978. Many thanks to everyone who has been so on time in helping him through this.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Get Organized! The Stadardization of Raid/Checkpoint Text Messaging

In the midst of the holiday season, since “El Dia de La Virgen” (Dec
12), the South East, South Central and South East LA communities have
experienced an aggressive intensification of security, DUI, and
immigration check points that have resulted in multiple arrests,
costly confiscations of vehicles, and non-sobriety related fines.
These attacks and intimidation tactics, ironically, come after the
recent introduction of an immigration reform bill (CIR A.S.A.P.) by
Luis Gutierrez (D-IL). We are demanding freedom in our communities and
calling everyone to be alert, document, and spread the word if you
come across a check point. Please call 323-331-1334 and text the
following information:

CONFIRMED (or UNCONFIRMED) Check Point (I.C.E. Raid)!
TIME (00:00A/P)
LOCATION (Street/cross street)

Spread the Word!

Wanted for Murder

Correction: It should say Oscar Grant not Oscar Brown




Ojore Lutalo arrested on his way home from the LA Anarchist Bookfair

Ojore Lutalo arrested in Colorado on his way home from LA Anarchist Bookfair

I received word from LA ABCF that Ojore Lutalo (former Blacl Liberation Army political prisoner/pow and New Afrikan Anarchist) was pulled off the Amtrak train on his way home to New Jersey from speaking at the LA Anarchist bookfair.

He was charged with endangering public transportation in Colorado. His bail is set to 10,000 dollars.  Currently there is an effort to bail him out.

Contact Mapache from LA ABCF at

Friday, January 15, 2010

Anarchist Cafe: February 28, 2010

Anarchist Cafe at The Smell Venue in downtown Los Angeles

Sunday, February 28th, 2010
The Smell, 247 S. Main Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
From 1pm - 8pm. $5

Anarchist Dating Game

Tired of not meeting any single activist?
Can't go out on a date in this Capitalist World
because you are too broke?
Enter the Anarchist Dating Game.



Ralf Camacho

Shannen Almeida

Cait from Weekend Warrior

Will from Silver Daggers

Natalie Richards

Tricia from Autonomy

Jang from Resist and Exist

Liz from Food Not Bombs

Joaquin Cienfuegos

Elyse from Tears of Gaia

Guerrilla Queenz are out to infiltrate hip hop & reggae with
Revolutionary But Gangsta lyrics that seek to elevate and
motivate the masses by bringing awareness to all types of
community issues. From love to politics, roots and culture,
these mujeres are overflowing in musical messages which
stem from an everpresent resistance & solidarity for all
indigenous struggles through out the world. Guerrilla Queenz
are Sistahs Centzi & Eyerie former members of Cihuatl Tonali
and Dj Papalotl of XMMP, who call themselves Guerrilla
Queenz in honor of all those Fallen Wombmyn Freedom
Fighters. We stand in COME-Unity with our words as our
weapons and sound as our power, power for the people."
Subsistencia are an Indigenous Tribal political punk band from Los Angeles. Subsistencia was born out of the frustration and the
realization of our oppression as a people with a history stemming over 500 years. Rooted in the anarcho-punk scene, the band consciously
began to develop a deeper desire to understand and educate ourselves in our culture, our history and our freedom as an indigenous people
of this continent. We believe we have suffered social degredation, political oppression and economic exploitation. Part of our mission as a
collective of musicians is to be able to create a space where the ideas to combat the enemy on these three levels is possible. We believe
through education and the unity of our nation we can truly defeat the enemy, that not only steals our land and imprisons our warriors, but
the world in general. Subsistencia is the word for subsistence in Spanish. We believe that is what our people have done for the last 5
centuries. Our time of subsistence must pass and be born into a time of life and growth. Part of our message is the genetic memory that
we carry as a people, and we include in our music the blend of pre-hispanic instruments and modern day instruments. The message of our
music is that unity, history, culture, spirituality and the personal revolution. Our collective began few years ago and we continue to grow
and learn more. We hope that through dialogue we can overcome many of the issues that separate us as humans, so that we can see ahead
and try to build something for our children and for the generations to come. We invite all nations to learn their history and their culture.
Though this may not be an easy road to take, it is one that will enable us to reach our true humanity.
In Lak Ech is a Mayan concept meaning you are my other me-tu eres mi otro yo. In the flesh, In Lak Ech is a performance poetry and
song collective of Xicana multi-media artists, writers, students, and organizers uniting to tell Her-story through poetry. In Lak Ech is
comprised of Marisol Torres, Felicia Montes, Claudia Mercado, Cristina Gorocica, Rachel Thorson Véliz, Liza Hita, and Marlene Beltran.
Their flowering words, which express their urban indigena realities are offered to the past, present, and future generations. Since their birth
on International Womens Day, 1997, they have been heard from the jungles of Chiapas to the concrete jungles of Mexico City, Los Angeles,
and beyond.

In Lak Ech has traveled throughout California and the southwest to give a voice to the many who struggle for dignity, culture, and life.
Through canto, comedy, poetry, and observation, they are a unique blend of modern day oral tradition, exploring politics, spirituality, love,
and pain.
Based in Los Angeles, California, the women of In Lak Ech not only perform poetry and song but also organize cultural celebrations,
participate in conferences, and conduct workshops for diverse communities. These performances have been used as tools for expression,
healing, communication, and organizing at various community centers, festivals, high schools, universities, and indigenous ceremonies.

In Lak Ech utilizes words to bring awareness and empowerment to the issues of women, family, humanity, and mother earth. As a result, In
Lak Ech is the seed that has inspired creative women circles such as Mujeres de Maiz. The collectives have become a significant presence
particularly in East Los Angeles through art shows, performances, and organizing efforts including magazines and recordings for the Peace
and Dignity CD compilation on the Xican@ Records and Film label. In Lak Ech's newest project is the creation and premiere of their first
spoken word and music CD released in August of 2007.

Aztlan Underground navigates time and space between the contemporary and the ancient to create music that reveals the unrestrained
voices of indigenous peoples of the world. Through their own personal journey of enlightenment, they uncover the raw, painful, solitude of
oppressed people transforming it with unbridled energy and emotion into their hard-hitting musical style.

For nearly 20 years, Aztlan Underground has cultivated a grassroots audience across the world from Europe to Australia and, most
importantly, the Americas, from Canada to Venezuela. Initially disregarded as stereotypical American Yankees, Aztlan Underground shocks
and awes foreign audiences with their respect for the ancient ways and songs of ancestors mixed with the modern, industrial sounds of
today. They have performed with every socially important act from Rage Against the Machine, Manu Chao, to Fermin Muguruza, and Dead
Prez. Aztlan Underground remains true to their name and beliefs by playing political rallies, underground venues, and anywhere the doors

At home, the band is considered an institution having influenced a whole new generation of musicians, bands, and free-thinkers. Giving back
to the community, each band member, in one way or another, reaches out to troubled and incarcerated youth, families in need, and
disenfranchised neighborhoods. Yet their hearts lie with their families. Whether cheering their children at sports, jamming alongside their
brothers, or inspiring their father to make art, they never lose focus on family.

Growing up in poor, violent households where gang membership was the popular way out, Aztlan Underground band members found
music. Their early musical influences went from one extreme, punk and metal bands favored by their classmates, to the other, cumbias,
rancheras, and salsa heard at home. Picking up an instrument and grabbing a microphone was a cathartic experience that in a sense saved
their lives. Through the healing power of music, four mystified souls joined together and found their medicine.

Their message is one of self-determination and decolonization. They challenge their audience to look within themselves, to their own life-
giving forces, and human potential to realize that they are God. Individuals and the collective are strong and divine. They ask to confront
personal demons and society’s ills to create a world filled with hope, answers, and a way forward. From the hurt and rage, they inspire
positive action within themselves and others

Collaborating as a circle with no bosses and no leaders, each member contributes their personal story to the creation of a song. Four
versions of the same story are told in four different ways at the same time. With this ritual, Aztlan Underground has independently produced
and distributed three albums: Decolonize (1995), Sub-Verses (2001), and the self-titled album Aztlan Underground (2009). The band’s
albums reflect a process of self-discovery and realization evolving from the anger of Decolonize to the new self-titled album featuring an
evolution towards a more global, humanitarian struggle. The new album maintains the indigenous infusion of sounds and timelessness where
the songs stretch the boundaries of the standard composition and become 8- to 9-minute nonconformist journeys.

Flyer: 2nd Annual Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair



Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Our brother Alex Sanchez was granted bail!!! Now lets fight until they drop the charges and we Free Mumia!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cop Watch LA en Voces de Libertad en KPFK 90.7 o

Pueden Escuchar el programa en los archivos de KPFK, aqui esta el link para bajar el programa completo:

Escuchen a Vocces de Libertad esta noche a las 9pm estaran companer@s de Cop Watch L.A. hablando sobre la resitencia a la policia y ICE.

En KPFK 90.7 o



As of January 11, 2010 United States political prisoner Mumia
Abu-Jamal is the closest to death he has ever been. In 1981, Mr.
Abu-Jamal, a former Black Panther as a teenager and a noted radio
journalist, was shot by police, arrested and then charged with
allegedly killing a Pennsylvania police officer. He was convicted
after a flawed trial and sentenced to death by a jury from which the
prosecution had systematically excluded Black people. The judge,
notorious for sentencing people to death in great numbers, gave
instructions to the jury that have been found to be invalid and
incorrect. Although the courts have refused to allow new evidence
demonstrating Mumia’s innocence and disproving Police allegations
against him, he won an appeal which set aside his death sentence and
required a new sentencing phase trial hearing.

The Supreme Court is now set to rule on an appeal by Pennsylvania
prosecutors of that lower court ruling. They will either reinstate his
death sentence, or uphold the lower court in granting him a new
sentencing trial. If the death penalty verdict is upheld, Mumia
Abu-Jamal could be dead within 48 hours. For up to date information
concerning the ruling visit

In Los Angeles, a group called Mumia: Alive and Free! is working
towards getting Mumia Abu-Jamal a new sentencing trial. However, it is
our ultimate goal to have this innocent man be free.

We call for a massive gathering outside of the Downtown Los Angeles
Federal Building, 200 N. Los Angeles St. (corner Temple) at 5:00 pm,
the day after the Supreme Court ruling. We urge cities throughout the
country and the world to act in solidarity for Mumia in any way

Please distribute flyers far and wide. Encourage everyone you know to
do something to spread the word about Mumia’s case, no matter what
they can do. Sign the petition to save his life
( Pressure local media
outlets. Initiate public rallies. Engage students, neighbors and
co-workers in your area or members of your faith group. If we do not
act, every single one of us will share responsibility for his death.

Since Mumia Abu-Jamal was sentenced to death, his life has been in the
lethal grip of the United States government. Becoming a symbol of
resistance to injustice for political movements throughout the world,
the human aspects of Mumia Abu-Jamal’s mortality may have been taken
for granted. Many of us have grown up with his case ever present in
the political dialogues, media and music. However, due to his 27 year
stay on death row, the case has seemingly disappeared from the minds
of a once outraged public. The death sentence still hanging over his
head has not been taken seriously. We must shift our thinking and
return the sense of urgency once attributed to his case. We can not
trust that the very same legal system which trumped up murder charges
against an innocent man because of his political affiliations and the
color of his skin, will preserve his life.

We must treat every day as though it is Mumia Abu-Jamal’s very last.
He is in there for us, and we are out here for him. What will you do
to save his life?


What: Mass gathering in solidarity with Mumia Abu-Jamal
When: The day after the Supreme Court ruling is delivered, 5 PM!
Where: Downtown Los Angeles Federal Building, 200 N. Los Angeles St.
(Corner Temple St.)
Why: Bring Mumia’s case to the headlines again, demand a new criminal
and sentencing trial, say NO to the state murder of an innocent man.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Justice for Oscar Grant


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

One of the Best Hip-Hop Quotes of All Time

"When we start the Revolution, all you'll probably do is snitch."

-The Coup

Monday, January 4, 2010

Burning and Looting!





Burning and Looting!

Rebellion is Righteous and Necessary, but rebellion is not revolution! That's why we have to organize.

