Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
"¡Demos, Aquí!"
This is an allegory written by a member of the Revolutionary Autonomous Communities
Este es una alegoria escrita por un miembro de las Comunidades Autonomas Revolucionarias
"¡Demos, Aquí!"
Abril 15, 2009
¡Si! Nunca nos fuimos, aquí estamos, con honor,
Conscientes y seguros en la lucha proseguir;
Sin miedo ni temblor, sin duda nitemor,
¡Alerta! Listos y preciosos para construir;
Demos, asi...
Niños, jovenes, adultos, y juveniles,
Pobladores, hombres y mujeres, lideres y servidores;
Proyección y Cultura; comida y armonía,
Convivencia; dirección y servicio, Unidad y autonomía;
Demos alli...
No represión, ni agresión, no prepotencia, ni violencia,
ideas y proposición, Organización y acción es la diferencia.
Bienestar Común Integral, sin ascepción, es Revolución.
Recreación y salud; Educación, trabajo y digna Remuneración;
Demos, Sí...
Actitud positiva, y proceder consecuente,
Identidad y consciencia, de clase obrera presente;
Extinguir, basura patronal y terror policial es la sentencia
Destruir, usura capital; demagoguía política y judicial, es nuestra resistencia;
Demos a tí y a mí...
Comunidades Autonomas Revolucionarias,
Limpiando, nuestra dignidad, instruyendo y concientando;
Con sentido, fusionas, atar y unir partituras,
Inducción, Autosostenible de masas proletarias avanzando;
Demos, el Fín...
"Gente, la Consigna dictamina, y es determinante,
Palmo a palmo, hombro con hombro, aporte
y Soporte ¡Yá! que el gigante se levante..."
Dedicación: "A todo ser y humano, que cree y aporta en Sociedades, justas y humanas donde no existen clases sociales." Según su ingreso monetario.
En particular: A Comunidades en Resistencia, RAC.
Este es una alegoria escrita por un miembro de las Comunidades Autonomas Revolucionarias
"¡Demos, Aquí!"
Abril 15, 2009
¡Si! Nunca nos fuimos, aquí estamos, con honor,
Conscientes y seguros en la lucha proseguir;
Sin miedo ni temblor, sin duda nitemor,
¡Alerta! Listos y preciosos para construir;
Demos, asi...
Niños, jovenes, adultos, y juveniles,
Pobladores, hombres y mujeres, lideres y servidores;
Proyección y Cultura; comida y armonía,
Convivencia; dirección y servicio, Unidad y autonomía;
Demos alli...
No represión, ni agresión, no prepotencia, ni violencia,
ideas y proposición, Organización y acción es la diferencia.
Bienestar Común Integral, sin ascepción, es Revolución.
Recreación y salud; Educación, trabajo y digna Remuneración;
Demos, Sí...
Actitud positiva, y proceder consecuente,
Identidad y consciencia, de clase obrera presente;
Extinguir, basura patronal y terror policial es la sentencia
Destruir, usura capital; demagoguía política y judicial, es nuestra resistencia;
Demos a tí y a mí...
Comunidades Autonomas Revolucionarias,
Limpiando, nuestra dignidad, instruyendo y concientando;
Con sentido, fusionas, atar y unir partituras,
Inducción, Autosostenible de masas proletarias avanzando;
Demos, el Fín...
"Gente, la Consigna dictamina, y es determinante,
Palmo a palmo, hombro con hombro, aporte
y Soporte ¡Yá! que el gigante se levante..."
Dedicación: "A todo ser y humano, que cree y aporta en Sociedades, justas y humanas donde no existen clases sociales." Según su ingreso monetario.
En particular: A Comunidades en Resistencia, RAC.
Machetero Screening in Los Angeles / Vagabond on Radio RAC L.A. Tuesday

Los Angeles British FIlm Festival
Wednesday, May 6th @ 10AM
Redondo Beach Performance Center
1935 Manhattan Beach Blvd.
Redondo Beach CA 90278
Click on the link below for a google map...
http://www.machetero-movie.com/MACHETERO/The_Machetero_Diaries/Entries/2009/4/25_LOS_ANGELES_SCREENING_4_6_%40_10AM.html http://www.myspace.com/macheteromovie
The director and writer of the film, Vagabond is on a world tour with this powerful film entitled Machetero. He will be a guest on the show Radio RAC L.A. this Tuesday 4/28/09. The show airst from 9pm-12am on KillRadio.org. Tune In
Dylcia Pagan will be at the film Screening on May 6th and she will also be a guest on Radio RAC L.A. the following Tuesday, May 5th, 2009. She is a Puerto Rican poet, warrior, artist. She is a former political prisoner and prisoner of war.
She will do an intro and Q&A for the screening...
You can find a lot of info on her on her website...www.dylciapagan.com
written and directed by vagabond
produced by resister and vagabond
starring Isaach de Bankolé, Not4Prophet, Kelvin Fernandez and Dylcia Pagan
original songs and score by RICANSTRUCTION
Post 9/11 definitions, ideas and notions of terrorism are challenged in this highly controversial and experimental film. Machetero is an allegorical narrative that follows French journalist Jean Dumont played by Isaach de Bankolé (The Keeper, Ghost Dog, Coffee and Cigarettes, Manderlay) to a New York prison where he interviews Pedro Taino a so called "Puerto Rican Terrorist" played by Not4Prophet (lead singer of the Puerto Punk band RICANSTRUCTION). Pedro is a self-described Machetero fighting to free Puerto Rico from the yoke of US colonialism. He is obsessed with freedom, freedom for his country, his people and for himself. Jean questions Pedro about his decisions to use violence as a means to achieve that freedom.
As Jean and Pedro speak, another story unfolds. A ghetto youth played by Kelvin Fernandez (in his first starring role) grows up in the ghetto streets and crosses paths with Pedro. Pedro reawakens a revolutionary spirit instilled in the ghetto youth from childhood by a mentor in Puerto Rico played by former Puerto Rican Prisoner of War Dylcia Pagan (who did 20 years in federal US prisons for her belief that Puerto Rico should be free). Pedro tries to provide the means for the ghetto youth to grow into the next generation of Machetero.
The film is structured around songs from the album, “Liberation Day” written and preformed by RICANSTRUCTION. The songs are interwoven into the film as a narrative voice and the band is utilized as a modern Greek chorus. RICANSTRUCTION also provides an original improvised score that moves from hardcore be-bop punk to layered, haunting and abstract Afro-Rican rhythms.
Celebrate May Day. Potluck at MacArthur Park

Hang out at MacArthur Park to honor and acknowledge the way our communities have been historically silenced, while celebrating the struggle and resistance of various communities in places like MacArthur Park and all over the world.
This May Day, celebrate that you are a worker by hanging out with friends, having some food at the park, and relaxing.
Friday. May 1st 2009.6pm and on @ MacArthur Park. (corner of Wilshire/Park View)
Bring whatever you want/can to share with others.
We will have some food, and you can enjoy the different events that will be happening at the park that day. [Film, Skit, and Food Distribution by RAC, May Day 07 Story sharing/collecting by local community artists/activists, Music, and more.]
Friday, April 17, 2009
A Reflection on "the Left" and my Arrest
A Reflection on "the Left" and my Arrest
by Joaquin Cienfuegos
I wanted to write this piece to update people on my arrest for the felony "Unlawful Possession of an Assault Riffle" case and to share with people my position on the entire matter. I wanted to send this out sooner but people would like to use this position paper against me, but I feel like the reflection is necessary regardless. I also want to take some time to reflect on other things that I've been thinking about regarding the movement as a whole.
I am currently completing 200 hours of community service and one year summary probation (if I complete my community service within one year, otherwise I will do two years summary probation). Part of the deal they gave me was that they kept my legally purchased semi-automatic Bushmaster rifle, and destroy it. They also dropped my felony charge to a misdemeanor: possession of a loaded weapon. I took this deal due to the fact that there was a chance if I lost this case I would do 19 months to 3 years in a state penitentiary. Even though my position has always been that we need to organize where we are at, from the street block to the cell block, I have too many responsibilities in my community, including my priority at this point which is my family responsibilities. Therefore I rather not risk being captured by the state and go behind enemy lines in their prisons. I took this deal and I am continuing to organize with the Revolutionary Autonomous Communities and Cop Watch Los Angeles - Guerrilla Chapter.
I should also start by thanking everyone who supported me in this legal battle, those who helped bail me out, and those who helped raise the money to pay the folks back that lent us money to bail me out. We were able to raise 2,000 dollars, thanks to individual donations from people, events at universities (like Cal State Northridge and Cal State Humboldt). We also thought that we would have to raise most of the money a the 1st Annual Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair, but thankfully the funds were raised before then. The money raised at the bookfair went to the Southern California Library, the Bookfair Collective (for next year's bookfair), Anarchist People Of Color in L.A., and to start a defense fund. Currently I'm still paying off my lawyer, and hoping we can continue to build on a defense strategy and fund, because we understand this is the nature of the state, and until we get rid of it, those with institutional power will continue to repress the movement. The majority of the support I received came from anarchists internationally, and that I am grateful for. Thank you for the world of support comrades. People of color in the U.S. as well gave a great deal of love, during the time of my arrest and legal battle.
I think that my arrest raised a lot of important questions, and it seemed like the dividing line for some activists was the fact that I had a gun. The question was why did I have a loaded semi-automatic weapon on me. A lot of liberals did not support me because of this reason, but personally my life is more precious than the support of liberals and gun-control leftists. The facts were that the police stopped me because they profiled me, it is legal to carry a weapon in the trunk of your vehicle, I just happened to have it loaded. This is probably the only thing I would have changed, I would have kept the ammunition separate from the rifle. The police searched my car illegally, and try to put a felony charge on me (by saying that this rifle is illegal in California, even though it was legally purchased at a Outdoors' store). They couldn't pin this on me so they dropped it to a misdemeanor, "possession of a loaded weapon." During the investigation they brought a weapons expert who had only looked at pictures and claimed it was an assault rifle and they tried to find out if I had links to any gangs in Los Angeles.
This really made me reflect on many things. I don't think it matters if you say you're a leftist, progressive, or whatever, if you intend to side with the state and do the job of the police. When there are people who are coming under attack, not just me, but all the other political prisoners who have done years and decades, and you have these activists siding with the state on whether they might have done something wrong. First of all, this is a settler-colonialist system, and doesn't have the authority to try us because this system is not legitimate in my opinion. When in Los Angeles last year the law enforcement agencies killed over 40 people, we have to begin to realize that they have waged war on indigenous, people of color/colonized people, and this genocidal war has been going on for 500 years really. So when the police have the right to murder any of us and get away with it, how is it wrong for anyone to carry a registered weapon? So it doesn't matter if anyone is from the left or from the right, what matters is who gets in the way of the oppressed when fighting for a better world, and in the way of the people taking their lives and communities back. There are many people who are doing the work of the police, snitching, informing, and straight just being busters by siding with the enemies of the people, who rather commit acts of violence against the people than defend them. That is what is now called horizontal violence, and this is something we have to deal with as well.
People should arm themselves legally, politically, and with an understanding that we are trying not to create a culture of the gun, but this is only one tactic in self-defense of our people and our community. Unfortunately, it is a necessary element in the survival of our communities and peoples at this point. I have to agree with Franz Fanon, "Violence, is a cleansing force. It frees the native from his inferiority complex and from his despair and inaction; it makes him fearless and restores his self-respect." Again, to me it self-defense is a necessary tactic in safe guarding our communities and our people from the state. When a community is building anything that poses a real threat to the state and the system, they will try to destroy it. So the communes will need to set up people's militias and other mechanisms to protect itself from the fascists (learning from the Spanish Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and even just from our own experiences with the Counter Intelligence Program and the Patriot Act).
Also to speak to the fact that maybe we do pose a threat, not only to the state but to some organizations who are in bed with the state. This has become clear to me, on several occassions, which includes May Day 2007. Where some of those organizations came out and blamed Cop Watch L.A., the youth and anarchists, for the police repression, similar to the Haymarket Massacre in Chicago in 1886 (the first May Day, where eight anarchist organizers were blamed for police murder and repression). These organizations (mainstream non-profits and non-governmental organizations), play the role of house-slaves in the movement today. Their organizing is done in a way that is suitable for the state and poses no threat to the oppressive system as a whole. To keep their position and be in good with their masters, these organizations side with the state in isolating the more radical youth, anarchists, and "problem activists." To keep their status as a large non-profits with good funding, they work with the state in keeping tabs on thes radical youth organizations. They speak of immigration reform that leaves out these same youth who are being targeted by the police, and work with the state as well as developers to further gentrify communities of color.
I personally saw how the system works from inside the Los Angeles County Jail, and it was enough time to realize that we have a lot of work to do internally. This is a bigger challenge to me, than convincing people on why I had a rifle inside the trunk of my car. As a revolutionary I do think I have to be more careful, but to paraphrase Ricardo Flores Magon, "We Revolutionary Anarchists have to be Outlaws," we have fight these injustices at all cause even and that means breaking the laws that are put in place to keep us in control and in check. Their oppressive institutions which have no place in our communities are also legitimate targets in my opinion.
This is a challenge on anyone who wants to create a better world.
Always in Struggle.
Autonomy, Land and Liberty.
All Power Through the People.
*Recently I was stopped by the North East Division of the Los Angeles Police Department for not having a light on the plates of my car, they pulled me out and handcuffed me and asked me if I had any M-16's in the car. They then searched my car, and did not find any "drugs or weapons," but told me they could arrest me. They released me then but impounded my car, even though I had an abstract from court saying I can drive. It seems like they ran my plates and saw my previous arrest, so they profiled me based on that. They did search my back pack, and saw fliers for the organizations I am part of. This happened on Wednesday, April 08, 2009
by Joaquin Cienfuegos
I wanted to write this piece to update people on my arrest for the felony "Unlawful Possession of an Assault Riffle" case and to share with people my position on the entire matter. I wanted to send this out sooner but people would like to use this position paper against me, but I feel like the reflection is necessary regardless. I also want to take some time to reflect on other things that I've been thinking about regarding the movement as a whole.
I am currently completing 200 hours of community service and one year summary probation (if I complete my community service within one year, otherwise I will do two years summary probation). Part of the deal they gave me was that they kept my legally purchased semi-automatic Bushmaster rifle, and destroy it. They also dropped my felony charge to a misdemeanor: possession of a loaded weapon. I took this deal due to the fact that there was a chance if I lost this case I would do 19 months to 3 years in a state penitentiary. Even though my position has always been that we need to organize where we are at, from the street block to the cell block, I have too many responsibilities in my community, including my priority at this point which is my family responsibilities. Therefore I rather not risk being captured by the state and go behind enemy lines in their prisons. I took this deal and I am continuing to organize with the Revolutionary Autonomous Communities and Cop Watch Los Angeles - Guerrilla Chapter.
I should also start by thanking everyone who supported me in this legal battle, those who helped bail me out, and those who helped raise the money to pay the folks back that lent us money to bail me out. We were able to raise 2,000 dollars, thanks to individual donations from people, events at universities (like Cal State Northridge and Cal State Humboldt). We also thought that we would have to raise most of the money a the 1st Annual Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair, but thankfully the funds were raised before then. The money raised at the bookfair went to the Southern California Library, the Bookfair Collective (for next year's bookfair), Anarchist People Of Color in L.A., and to start a defense fund. Currently I'm still paying off my lawyer, and hoping we can continue to build on a defense strategy and fund, because we understand this is the nature of the state, and until we get rid of it, those with institutional power will continue to repress the movement. The majority of the support I received came from anarchists internationally, and that I am grateful for. Thank you for the world of support comrades. People of color in the U.S. as well gave a great deal of love, during the time of my arrest and legal battle.
I think that my arrest raised a lot of important questions, and it seemed like the dividing line for some activists was the fact that I had a gun. The question was why did I have a loaded semi-automatic weapon on me. A lot of liberals did not support me because of this reason, but personally my life is more precious than the support of liberals and gun-control leftists. The facts were that the police stopped me because they profiled me, it is legal to carry a weapon in the trunk of your vehicle, I just happened to have it loaded. This is probably the only thing I would have changed, I would have kept the ammunition separate from the rifle. The police searched my car illegally, and try to put a felony charge on me (by saying that this rifle is illegal in California, even though it was legally purchased at a Outdoors' store). They couldn't pin this on me so they dropped it to a misdemeanor, "possession of a loaded weapon." During the investigation they brought a weapons expert who had only looked at pictures and claimed it was an assault rifle and they tried to find out if I had links to any gangs in Los Angeles.
This really made me reflect on many things. I don't think it matters if you say you're a leftist, progressive, or whatever, if you intend to side with the state and do the job of the police. When there are people who are coming under attack, not just me, but all the other political prisoners who have done years and decades, and you have these activists siding with the state on whether they might have done something wrong. First of all, this is a settler-colonialist system, and doesn't have the authority to try us because this system is not legitimate in my opinion. When in Los Angeles last year the law enforcement agencies killed over 40 people, we have to begin to realize that they have waged war on indigenous, people of color/colonized people, and this genocidal war has been going on for 500 years really. So when the police have the right to murder any of us and get away with it, how is it wrong for anyone to carry a registered weapon? So it doesn't matter if anyone is from the left or from the right, what matters is who gets in the way of the oppressed when fighting for a better world, and in the way of the people taking their lives and communities back. There are many people who are doing the work of the police, snitching, informing, and straight just being busters by siding with the enemies of the people, who rather commit acts of violence against the people than defend them. That is what is now called horizontal violence, and this is something we have to deal with as well.
People should arm themselves legally, politically, and with an understanding that we are trying not to create a culture of the gun, but this is only one tactic in self-defense of our people and our community. Unfortunately, it is a necessary element in the survival of our communities and peoples at this point. I have to agree with Franz Fanon, "Violence, is a cleansing force. It frees the native from his inferiority complex and from his despair and inaction; it makes him fearless and restores his self-respect." Again, to me it self-defense is a necessary tactic in safe guarding our communities and our people from the state. When a community is building anything that poses a real threat to the state and the system, they will try to destroy it. So the communes will need to set up people's militias and other mechanisms to protect itself from the fascists (learning from the Spanish Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and even just from our own experiences with the Counter Intelligence Program and the Patriot Act).
Also to speak to the fact that maybe we do pose a threat, not only to the state but to some organizations who are in bed with the state. This has become clear to me, on several occassions, which includes May Day 2007. Where some of those organizations came out and blamed Cop Watch L.A., the youth and anarchists, for the police repression, similar to the Haymarket Massacre in Chicago in 1886 (the first May Day, where eight anarchist organizers were blamed for police murder and repression). These organizations (mainstream non-profits and non-governmental organizations), play the role of house-slaves in the movement today. Their organizing is done in a way that is suitable for the state and poses no threat to the oppressive system as a whole. To keep their position and be in good with their masters, these organizations side with the state in isolating the more radical youth, anarchists, and "problem activists." To keep their status as a large non-profits with good funding, they work with the state in keeping tabs on thes radical youth organizations. They speak of immigration reform that leaves out these same youth who are being targeted by the police, and work with the state as well as developers to further gentrify communities of color.
I personally saw how the system works from inside the Los Angeles County Jail, and it was enough time to realize that we have a lot of work to do internally. This is a bigger challenge to me, than convincing people on why I had a rifle inside the trunk of my car. As a revolutionary I do think I have to be more careful, but to paraphrase Ricardo Flores Magon, "We Revolutionary Anarchists have to be Outlaws," we have fight these injustices at all cause even and that means breaking the laws that are put in place to keep us in control and in check. Their oppressive institutions which have no place in our communities are also legitimate targets in my opinion.
This is a challenge on anyone who wants to create a better world.
Always in Struggle.
Autonomy, Land and Liberty.
All Power Through the People.
*Recently I was stopped by the North East Division of the Los Angeles Police Department for not having a light on the plates of my car, they pulled me out and handcuffed me and asked me if I had any M-16's in the car. They then searched my car, and did not find any "drugs or weapons," but told me they could arrest me. They released me then but impounded my car, even though I had an abstract from court saying I can drive. It seems like they ran my plates and saw my previous arrest, so they profiled me based on that. They did search my back pack, and saw fliers for the organizations I am part of. This happened on Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Native Youth Movement: No 2010 Olympics on Stolen Lands
Native Youth Movement: NO 2010 OLYMPICS ON STOLEN LANDS
it's unbelievable that the majority of people dont understand the terrible history on how America came to be...Im talking about the indigenous genocide that happened since 1492 when the first wave of americans(europeans) arrived.
The indigenous elders, brothers and sisters of these lands still live.
From: resist
it's unbelievable that the majority of people dont understand the terrible history on how America came to be...Im talking about the indigenous genocide that happened since 1492 when the first wave of americans(europeans) arrived.
The indigenous elders, brothers and sisters of these lands still live.
From: resist
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
What is a Popular Assembly?
What Is a Popular Assembly?
A popular assembly is a self-organized, autonomous, non-hierarchical group of people who come together to meet.
In many cases the assemblies are based geographically (by neighborhood, town, county, state, etc.).
The assemblies are inclusive and develop in process rather than being pre-planned.
Popular assemblies form as a furious alternative to electoral politics. In this era we see everywhere, including the United States , the ownership of elected officials by the large, usually transnational corporations.
It takes direct democracy to the participants and abandons the useless representative government – with good reason; “elected” or assumed (royal or dictatorial) governorship cannot respond to the needs of the ordinary people while simultaneously obeying the financial demands of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the corporations controlling social agendas, including health, educational and environmental agendas.
By definition, a people’s assembly (asamblea popular) must be anti-capitalist and anti-neoliberal. The hierarchical structure of governments and corporations implies a boss and/or owner who benefits from the work of the people, hires and fires at will, and frequently owns or appropriates the national resources.
The assembly is composed of people who are being screwed and know it.
La Asamblea is not a political party and refuses ownership of political power apart from the social power which comes from below.
It is the counter to individualism; it is community of purpose and goal.
The force that holds it together must be a common goal and vision, not a particular cause.
Taken from: Popular Assemblies and the Growing Popular Assembly Movement commentary from Oaxaca by Nancy Davies
Popular Assemblies in Oaxaca
In the light of this situation, and in the recognition that the state government was repressive and had become effectively powerless in governing, the APPO was created and convened for the first time on June 17, 2006. It declared itself the de facto governing body of Oaxaca . Its body included representatives of Oaxaca ’s state regions and municipalities, unions, non-governmental organizations, social organizations, and cooperatives, the largest group being Section 22, the Oaxacan teachers' union. It encouraged all Oaxacans to organize popular assemblies at every level: neighborhoods, street blocks, unions, and towns. The APPO took the slogan that it was a "movement of the bases, not of leaders" and asserted the need for common civilians to organize and work beyond the scope of elected officials. While the primary demand of the APPO has been the removal of the governor of Oaxaca , they have also called for broader economic, social and political transformations, as well as changes in the state's political constitution. This goal was furthered through the formation of the State Council of the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (CEAPPO) during the APPO's November Constitutional Congress. The State Council is an effort to create an organization that will outlive the current mobilization and extend beyond the capital city throughout the state. The Council is formed of 260 representatives from the various regions and sectors of Oaxaca , including 40 members of the teachers' union. [2]
Included in the resolutions of the APPO are a recognition of indigeous rights and autonomy, gender equality, political accountability, opposition to neoliberalism and Plan Puebla Panamá, a demand for an alternative education, and collectively-run media, amongst others.
The Popular Assembly of Oaxaca takes as inspiration indigenous political practices called 'usos y costumbres' (traditional usages and customs) that have been incorporated into the municipal level government of Oaxaca . These practices stand apart from standard electoral politics in that the assembly structure does not include secret voting procedures, but rather open meetings to make decisions.
"'The executive branch' (the authorities) is charged with accomplishing the tasks the assembly gives it. The municipal president, foremost among the authorities, leads (as the Zapatistas’ phrase explains) by obeying. For the population of Oaxaca , the idea of governing by consensus remains part of the common cultural heritage. Therefore, as APPO was convoked, the modest people who comprise 80% of Oaxaca ’s population, recognized it immediately. And they support it, despite the obvious difficulties of convening authorities from around the state. Since these authorities receive no pay, a trip to the capital city is not easy. But it’s happening." [3]
The APPO has met with officials of the federal government periodically throughout the conflict, but has yet to be able to negotiate a resolution to conflict. Members are currently engaged in efforts to free, and call attention to, APPO leaders detained as suspects of commiting crimes, such as destruction of public property.
Taken from Wikipedia.org (Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca)
A popular assembly is a self-organized, autonomous, non-hierarchical group of people who come together to meet.
In many cases the assemblies are based geographically (by neighborhood, town, county, state, etc.).
The assemblies are inclusive and develop in process rather than being pre-planned.
Popular assemblies form as a furious alternative to electoral politics. In this era we see everywhere, including the United States , the ownership of elected officials by the large, usually transnational corporations.
It takes direct democracy to the participants and abandons the useless representative government – with good reason; “elected” or assumed (royal or dictatorial) governorship cannot respond to the needs of the ordinary people while simultaneously obeying the financial demands of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the corporations controlling social agendas, including health, educational and environmental agendas.
By definition, a people’s assembly (asamblea popular) must be anti-capitalist and anti-neoliberal. The hierarchical structure of governments and corporations implies a boss and/or owner who benefits from the work of the people, hires and fires at will, and frequently owns or appropriates the national resources.
The assembly is composed of people who are being screwed and know it.
La Asamblea is not a political party and refuses ownership of political power apart from the social power which comes from below.
It is the counter to individualism; it is community of purpose and goal.
The force that holds it together must be a common goal and vision, not a particular cause.
Taken from: Popular Assemblies and the Growing Popular Assembly Movement commentary from Oaxaca by Nancy Davies
Popular Assemblies in Oaxaca
In the light of this situation, and in the recognition that the state government was repressive and had become effectively powerless in governing, the APPO was created and convened for the first time on June 17, 2006. It declared itself the de facto governing body of Oaxaca . Its body included representatives of Oaxaca ’s state regions and municipalities, unions, non-governmental organizations, social organizations, and cooperatives, the largest group being Section 22, the Oaxacan teachers' union. It encouraged all Oaxacans to organize popular assemblies at every level: neighborhoods, street blocks, unions, and towns. The APPO took the slogan that it was a "movement of the bases, not of leaders" and asserted the need for common civilians to organize and work beyond the scope of elected officials. While the primary demand of the APPO has been the removal of the governor of Oaxaca , they have also called for broader economic, social and political transformations, as well as changes in the state's political constitution. This goal was furthered through the formation of the State Council of the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (CEAPPO) during the APPO's November Constitutional Congress. The State Council is an effort to create an organization that will outlive the current mobilization and extend beyond the capital city throughout the state. The Council is formed of 260 representatives from the various regions and sectors of Oaxaca , including 40 members of the teachers' union. [2]
Included in the resolutions of the APPO are a recognition of indigeous rights and autonomy, gender equality, political accountability, opposition to neoliberalism and Plan Puebla Panamá, a demand for an alternative education, and collectively-run media, amongst others.
The Popular Assembly of Oaxaca takes as inspiration indigenous political practices called 'usos y costumbres' (traditional usages and customs) that have been incorporated into the municipal level government of Oaxaca . These practices stand apart from standard electoral politics in that the assembly structure does not include secret voting procedures, but rather open meetings to make decisions.
"'The executive branch' (the authorities) is charged with accomplishing the tasks the assembly gives it. The municipal president, foremost among the authorities, leads (as the Zapatistas’ phrase explains) by obeying. For the population of Oaxaca , the idea of governing by consensus remains part of the common cultural heritage. Therefore, as APPO was convoked, the modest people who comprise 80% of Oaxaca ’s population, recognized it immediately. And they support it, despite the obvious difficulties of convening authorities from around the state. Since these authorities receive no pay, a trip to the capital city is not easy. But it’s happening." [3]
The APPO has met with officials of the federal government periodically throughout the conflict, but has yet to be able to negotiate a resolution to conflict. Members are currently engaged in efforts to free, and call attention to, APPO leaders detained as suspects of commiting crimes, such as destruction of public property.
Taken from Wikipedia.org (Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca)
Friday, April 10, 2009
New School Re-Occupied , and then evicted by massive police operation
New School Re-Occupied , and then evicted by massive police operation
Breaking News:
The New School building that was occupied in December by students was reoccupied, this time in its entirety, in the early morning of April 10th. A banner reading "Occupy" and a red and black flag were hung from the roof. By 11am a massive police operation involving, a helicopter, hundreds of police, emergency service and Fire Department units shut down a big chunk of the neighborhood. A clash broke out on 14th street and 5th ave as people outside attempted to help students escape from the building which police had begun to raid. Police attacked demonstrators arresting several. A police car was allegedly attacked as supporter purportedly threw metal barricades at baton wielding police. Shortly after the building was stormed by police wearing full riot gear. 19 occupiers are reported to have been arrested.
Breaking News:
The New School building that was occupied in December by students was reoccupied, this time in its entirety, in the early morning of April 10th. A banner reading "Occupy" and a red and black flag were hung from the roof. By 11am a massive police operation involving, a helicopter, hundreds of police, emergency service and Fire Department units shut down a big chunk of the neighborhood. A clash broke out on 14th street and 5th ave as people outside attempted to help students escape from the building which police had begun to raid. Police attacked demonstrators arresting several. A police car was allegedly attacked as supporter purportedly threw metal barricades at baton wielding police. Shortly after the building was stormed by police wearing full riot gear. 19 occupiers are reported to have been arrested.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Chicago and New York Anarchist Film Festivals
9th Annual Chicago Anarchist Film Festival
Friday, April 24 – Sunday, April 26
7pm each night
Jan Addams Hull-House Museum Annex
on UIC Campus (2nd floor)
800 South Halsted.
For the 9th year, the Chicago Anarchist Film Festival (CAFF) will present a sample of films from main-stream sources, rediscovered classics and the works of filmmakers engaged in social change with an anarchist vision. Most media launch attacks that distort, discredit and deny anarchists entirely. Anarchists and their allies respond with a relentless volley of images and stories that reveal, revive and invigorate a rich anarchist presence in society.
Chicago Anarchist Film Festival (CAFF)
1321 N Milwaukee Ave #453
Chicago, IL 60642

The 3rd Annual NYC Anarchist Film Festival in Honor of Brad Will, our comrade and colleague murdered by police, takes place Friday, April 10, 2009 on the Lower East Side.
The Third Annual NYC Anarchist Film Festival will showcase contemporary documentaries and videos on current events and social movements from Palestinian resistance to Israeli terror in Gaza to the popular uprising and recent riots that swept Greece like wildfire.
Big Noise Films will screen a selection of short films from Iraq. Filmmakers will present videos on radical environmentalism, radical feminism, and movements for justice such as the ongoing struggle for human rights in Oaxaca, Mexico. See videos of courageous resistance from India to Europe, to Latin America, to the U.S.A. where dissent is being criminalized as terrorism. See videos that challenge the State’s unconstitutional "anti-terrorist" mandate from protests against the 2008 Republican National Convention. We also proudly present footage from the fight for free speech, in the Lower East Side's famous "Donut Riot" that ended with spontaneous combustion in Tompkins Square Park last summer.
Carlos Castaneda wrote in "Tales of Power" that the "true art of a warrior is to balance terror and wonder."" The NYC Anarchist Film Festival does not shy away from either the terror we are forced to confront in our world or from the wondrous inspiration that graces the human spirit...
Our hunger for liberation will never allow us to surrender to tyranny in any form. As the saying goes, "Give me liberty or die…!"
1-7pm: Films at the Sixth Street Community Center (638 E. 6th St, between Aves B and C)
8-10pm: Films at the Millennium Theater (66 E. 4th St, between 2nd Ave and the Bowery)
10pm-1am: Open Mic and Party at the Yippie Museum (9 Bleecker St, between the Bowery and Elizabeth St)
The NYC Anarchist Film Festival honors the life and work of Brad Will, a beloved friend and comrade, murdered by a government sniper in Oaxaca, Mexico on October 27, 2006, as he was filming.
In past years, talented and courageous independent and anarchist filmmakers from around the world have traveled to NYC to screen their brilliant films. The NYC AFF is a community forum to share and experience and discuss politically controversial, artistic, creative and socially diverse media.
The New York Anarchist Film Festival will consider radical films submissions. Have passionate, inspiring, rebellious and subversive content to share? (The shorter the better!) Please contact AFF Coordinator at: priya.warcry[at]yahoo[dot]com.
Priya Reddy
Organizer - Filmmaker/NYC Anarchist Film Festival in Honor of Brad Will
Friday, April 24 – Sunday, April 26
7pm each night
Jan Addams Hull-House Museum Annex
on UIC Campus (2nd floor)
800 South Halsted.
For the 9th year, the Chicago Anarchist Film Festival (CAFF) will present a sample of films from main-stream sources, rediscovered classics and the works of filmmakers engaged in social change with an anarchist vision. Most media launch attacks that distort, discredit and deny anarchists entirely. Anarchists and their allies respond with a relentless volley of images and stories that reveal, revive and invigorate a rich anarchist presence in society.
Chicago Anarchist Film Festival (CAFF)
1321 N Milwaukee Ave #453
Chicago, IL 60642

The 3rd Annual NYC Anarchist Film Festival in Honor of Brad Will, our comrade and colleague murdered by police, takes place Friday, April 10, 2009 on the Lower East Side.
The Third Annual NYC Anarchist Film Festival will showcase contemporary documentaries and videos on current events and social movements from Palestinian resistance to Israeli terror in Gaza to the popular uprising and recent riots that swept Greece like wildfire.
Big Noise Films will screen a selection of short films from Iraq. Filmmakers will present videos on radical environmentalism, radical feminism, and movements for justice such as the ongoing struggle for human rights in Oaxaca, Mexico. See videos of courageous resistance from India to Europe, to Latin America, to the U.S.A. where dissent is being criminalized as terrorism. See videos that challenge the State’s unconstitutional "anti-terrorist" mandate from protests against the 2008 Republican National Convention. We also proudly present footage from the fight for free speech, in the Lower East Side's famous "Donut Riot" that ended with spontaneous combustion in Tompkins Square Park last summer.
Carlos Castaneda wrote in "Tales of Power" that the "true art of a warrior is to balance terror and wonder."" The NYC Anarchist Film Festival does not shy away from either the terror we are forced to confront in our world or from the wondrous inspiration that graces the human spirit...
Our hunger for liberation will never allow us to surrender to tyranny in any form. As the saying goes, "Give me liberty or die…!"
1-7pm: Films at the Sixth Street Community Center (638 E. 6th St, between Aves B and C)
8-10pm: Films at the Millennium Theater (66 E. 4th St, between 2nd Ave and the Bowery)
10pm-1am: Open Mic and Party at the Yippie Museum (9 Bleecker St, between the Bowery and Elizabeth St)
The NYC Anarchist Film Festival honors the life and work of Brad Will, a beloved friend and comrade, murdered by a government sniper in Oaxaca, Mexico on October 27, 2006, as he was filming.
In past years, talented and courageous independent and anarchist filmmakers from around the world have traveled to NYC to screen their brilliant films. The NYC AFF is a community forum to share and experience and discuss politically controversial, artistic, creative and socially diverse media.
The New York Anarchist Film Festival will consider radical films submissions. Have passionate, inspiring, rebellious and subversive content to share? (The shorter the better!) Please contact AFF Coordinator at: priya.warcry[at]yahoo[dot]com.
Priya Reddy
Organizer - Filmmaker/NYC Anarchist Film Festival in Honor of Brad Will

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