Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Justice for Alex Sanchez!

From Homies Unidos Board and Staff:
To all our supporters, allies, community, and everyone in the movement,
The Homies Unidos Board stands united in full support, behind our executive
director, Alex Sanchez and his family. For the past 11 years, Alex has been
committed to helping bring about change in his community. He is an exemplary
leader, respected colleague and dedicated husband and father. Just as we are
confident in Alex's innocence, we are confident that Los Angeles and the
nation will remember that an indictment is an allegation only. As stated in
the FBI press release, "Every defendant is presumed to be innocent until
proven guilty in court." We have sought another path, a peacemaker's path, through intervention and
prevention, and we remain committed to it. We appreciate the tireless work
of peacemakers in all these arenas and the danger that sometimes accompanies
We thank our staff, partners, community allies and generous donors and
funders who have supported our work during the past 11 years and  encourage
you to remember the positive impact that Homies Unidos has had on  countless
lives and improvements in our communities.
In Alex's absence, board and staff will continue to lead these important
efforts and we ask for your support during this critical time.
THE FIRST STEP we must take
towards helping Alex is getting him released on bail.  
The bail hearing has been set for Tuesday, June 30th at 2pm. In order to do this we must present a strong case in
support of Alex's character, the work he's done, and most importantly prove that
he is not a "flight risk" or "danger to his community."
1.We need signed letters of support.  These letters
should focus on Alex's character, accomplishments and importance to his
community. We must refrain from bringing up any references to the apparently
organized effort to derail Homies and the broken system that has allowed for the
epidemic of gangs.  Keep the letters focused on the intent of getting Alex
out on bail. You should know that any letter you present to the court will
become public record.

-Please also contact anyone you might think to be a good candidate for support and urge them
to write a letter.  Public officials, community leaders, law enforcement...
2.We need assets as collateral for bail.  The court is most interested in this as they value property as insurance against flight risk. This is very important, as the alternative will probably be a large sum of money
that will be difficult to raise. So if any you would like to post a valuable asset as guarantee against skipping bail, please contact me and I will get you
in touch with the lawyer.  

Hi ______,

Because you know Alex Sanchez and have had a good working relationship with him through the _____________,  I wanted to request from you and_____, letters of character support speaking to Alex’s character.

We will be presenting them at his bail hearing next Tuesday, and will need them no later than Sunday evening June 28,2009.

A note about the letters of character support (see attached draft sample):

They will need to be hand-signed/dated
They will stay on public record!!!

They will need to be addressed in this way BUT Faxed/Mailed TO THE LAWYER: 
        Honorable Alicia G. Rosenberg
        United States Courthouse
        312 N. Spring Street, Courtroom D
        Los Angeles, CA 90012
        Re: Mr. Alex Sanchez Cr. 09-00466
        Dear Judge Rosenberg:

In the letter please mention how you know Alex and focus on Alex's character, accomplishments and importance to the community.

DO NOTS: blame the victim the cops, witnesses etc.; do not explain the event (that was already done in court, you will be insulting the courts intelligence and the ruling); do not tell (or imply) the court they were wrong; do not state anything you do not know first hand (unless you indicate the reliable source); do not embellish or fabricate (Judges "crap detectors really work well and that negate your letter by impacting your credibility and you will do more harm than good); do not use "informal" language or slang;
DO "type" (not handwritten) the letter and use good paper and address it correctly (with titles) and full address including the Chamber. Do include your full contact information including your phone number. Hand sign and date your signature.

IMPORTANT: We need to have all letters of support and collateral assets by Sunday evening in order to present them to the court before Alex's bail hearing.  

DELIVERY:You can either hand deliver them to one of the Homies staff or board members or messenger them to Kerry Bensinger's law firm: Bensinger, Ritt, Tai & Thvedt, 65 N. Raymond Ave, Suite 320, Pasadena, CA 91103 - fax 626-685-2562

OR bring your letter to CARECEN – LA Sunday evening June 28th, 2009 at 6pm
2845 West 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90007
In the spirit of unity resistance and love,

Alex Sanchez from Homies Unidos arrested on racketeering charges (he is the director of the non-profit and former member of MS-13).

Justice for Alex Sanchez. Hearing at 2 at 251 temple street federal building. Pass the word. ftp!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Join Cop Watch L.A. GC Emergency Response Network and Create Your Own

Mobile devices can subscribe by sending a TXT: !join copwatchlosangelesguerrillas To:

Create Your Own Here:

Enter your email or mobile # to join the Emergency Response Network

Email address:
Mobile #:



Wednesday, June 17, 2009

40th Anniversary of El Plan de Santa Barbara - UC Santa Barbara

40th Anniversary of El Plan de Santa Barbara

Critical Analysis Panel.

(L-R) Dr. Manolo Callahan, Dra. Irene Vásquez, Ron Gochez, Joaquín Cienfuegos

Photo taken by Rockero.

Λευτεριά στον Joaquin Cienfuegos

Ο Joaquin είναι γνωστός σ’ εμάς μερικά χρόνια τώρα ως η φωνή της μαχητικότητας και του ριζοσπαστικού κινήματος στην περιοχή του Λος Άντζελες.

Ο Joaquin είναι γνωστός σ’ εμάς μερικά χρόνια τώρα ως η φωνή της μαχητικότητας και του ριζοσπαστικού κινήματος στην περιοχή του Λος Άντζελες, συμμετέχοντας στις συσπειρώσεις Cop-Watch, Anarchist People of Color (Έγχρωμοι Αναρχικοί) και Revolutionary Autonomous Communities (Επαναστατικές Αυτόνομες Κοινότητες).

Η σύλληψή του στα τέλη Ιούνη, με βάση την κατηγορία (σε βαθμό κακουργήματος) της κατοχής ενός κρυμμένου όπλου - ενός νόμιμα αγορασμένου όπλου που βρέθηκε στο αυτοκίνητό του ενώ οδηγούσε - εμφανίζεται να αποτελεί φτιαγμένη σκευωρία από τα μέλη της Αστυνομίας του Λος Άντζελες που έχουν ανησυχήσει με την όλη δραστηριότητα της Cop-Watch Los Angeles.


Η κατηγορία της κατοχής όπλου σε βαθμό κακουργήματος είναι σοβαρή δεδομένου ότι επισείει ποινή φυλάκισης και καταβολή εγγύησης που είναι υπερβολικά υψηλή, $40.000, κάτι με το οποίο υπάρχει προφανώς σκοπός να σταλθεί ο σύντροφος στη φυλακή. Η κοινότητα προσπαθεί να συγκεντρώσει τα χρήματα της εγγύησης, αλλά η σύλληψη του Joaquin καταδεικνύει αρκετά σαφώς τα εμπόδια που θέτει η αστυνομία, στρεφόμενη ενάντια στους απλούς ανθρώπους που απαιτούν απλώς το δημοκρατικό δικαίωμα να εξασφαλιστεί ότι η αστυνομία δεν κάνει κατάχρηση εξουσίας.

Ο Joaquin είναι προφανώς γνωστός και μισητός έντονα από την LAPD (την αστυνομία του Λος Άντζελες) και κάθε λεπτό που περνάει υπό την επιτήρησή της, η ζωή του βρίσκεται σε κίνδυνο.

Απαιτούμε να αποσυρθεί αμέσως η ψευδής κατηγορία ενάντιά του και να επιστρέψει σώος και αβλαβής στην κοινότητά του. Καλούμε σε μια διεθνή εκστρατεία των προοδευτικών και κοινοτικών οργανώσεις για την απελευθέρωσή του.

Michael Schmidt - διεθνής γραμματέας του Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front (ZACF) και εκ μέρους του Αναρχικού Μαύρου Σταυρού Ν. Αφρικής.

*Ελληνική μετάφραση «ούτε θεός-ούτε αφέντης», 3 Ιούλη 2008.
Related Link:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Laker Victory Celebration and Rebellion June 14th, 2009


Many were quick to criticize the people that rioted after the Los Angeles Laker victory Sunday June 14th, 2009, but personally I don't blame the people for their anger and frustrations that were expressed that day.

I think as an organizer, the responsibility falls on us, all community organizations and revolutionary organizers, for not being able to provide an example and point the folks at our real enemies. We don't have a lot of victories in our struggle for liberation, or at least we are not able to publicize them to the people at this momen. So we are never able to celebrate something real, we just have a march or protest to invite the people to (speaking in terms of the mainstream mass movement, not all organizations). We have a lot more work to do, in terms of combatting the state.

Overall, the actions of the people that day will be used to justify the police state that we are living under, and the reason why more money needs to be put into law enforcement. When in reality, they are the problem.

There were mainly a lot of youth out there, and speaks to the rage of the people of Los Angeles. The Los Angeles Lakers victory celebration was a way for them to vent. Hopefully we can turn this rage into revolutionary organization from the bottom to the left.

Note: 18 people were arrested that day, police are still looking for others that were involved.

Graffiti on the Blue Line


Armed Pigs


Pigs Arrest 18 people

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Solidaridad con Peru

USL from Peru:


Oaxaca... de tres años de haber asaltado el cielo

Te invitamos al evento
Oaxaca... a tres años de haber asaltado el cielo.
13 y 14 de junio

sábado 13 de junio
12 hrs. Mujer al son de la rebelión
13 hrs. Medios como vasos comunicantes
14 hrs. Los anarquistas en la barricada (CESOL)
15 hrs. Receso, venta de comida de Oaxaca y artesanías
16 hrs. Oaxaca a tres años de asaltar el cielo ponencias:
                 Alfredo Velarde y La Guillotina
17:30 hrs. Indígenas en la rebelión participan: OIDHO, CODEDI Y CODECI y           los casos de presos políticos: Abraham Ramírez Vázquez, Juventino y Noel García Cruz y Pedro Castillo Aragón
19 hrs. Presentación de libro: “El espejo de México”. Presenta: Rubén Trejo y  Escritor: Claudio Albertani
20:30 hrs. Viva el mezcal, la Tlayuda y el chapulín. Convivencia

Domingo 14 de Junio
"Ciclo de cine"
15 hrs. "Sígueme contando" (video realizado por CESOL, 60 min)
16:30 hrs. "Oaxaca entre rebelión y utopia" (80 min.)
LUGAR: Centro Social Libertario - Ricardo Flores Magon, ubicado en Cerrada de Londres N. 14 Col Juárez, a unos pasos de metro Sevilla por dirección Observatorio, México DF.
Organizaciones indias por los Derechos Humanos de Oaxaca (OIDHO)
Comité de Defensa de los Derechos Indígenas de Santiago Xanica (CODEDI)
Colectivo Autónomo Magonista (CAMA)

Colectivo Autónomo Magonista (CAMA)
Vivir para ser libres o morir para dejar de ser esclavos 
Visita nuestro Blog:

Correos electrónicos:

Dirección provisional:
Cerrada de Londres, no. 14, int. 1, col. Juárez, Del. Cuauhtémoc, México, D.F.
(A unos pasos de la estación del metro Sevilla) 

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Descarga gratis el nuevo Internet Explorer>

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Links to Download the Film, "We're Still Here, We Never Left" / Link para bajar la pelicula, "Todavia Estamos Aqui, Nunca nos Fuimos"

Here are the links to download the film "We're Still Here, We Never
left" in its entirety, we hope folks can set up screenings and fundraisers
with them for their organizations and for our defense fund. We want people to
see it all over, we're are still open to going out to cities and different
places and speaking if that is possible and if that can be organized. If not,
then folks should still screen it.

If you want a physical copy of the dvd, let us know and we'll send one out
to you, please help with cost and shipping.


Also we encourage people to donate, whatever you can, to help the community programs of the Revolutionary Autonomous Communities.

You can send donations to
P.O. Box 292344, Los Angeles, Ca. 90029. USA

Also through PayPal on our blog:

English Version of film:

El link para bajar el documental entero en espanol / Film in Spanish

The Revolutionary Autonomous Communities is putting out a call
for their film, "We're Still Here, We Never Left" to be screened
your university, community center, church and anywhere else.

film documents the truth about the police repression on May 1st, 2007,
and also shows the growing popular movement in oppressed communities.

It has footage never before seen on the mainstream media.

We hope to create dialogue with the film, a space for popular education, and a

We want this film to be seen all over, in different cities and possibly
different nations.

The film will also ready for distribution.

Contact us at if you're interested in organizing an event.

"Todavia Estamos Aqui, Nunca Nos Fuimos"

Las Comunidades Autónomas Revolucionarias están
haciendo una
llamada para su película, "Todavia estamos aquí, Nunca nos fuimos"
que sea ensenada en su universidad, centro de comunidad, iglesia y en
cualquier otro lugar.

La película documenta la verdad sobre la
represión de la policía el 1 de mayo de 2007, y también demuestra el
movimiento popular que esta creciendo en comunidades oprimidas.

Tiene imagenes que nunca se han visto en los medios de comunicacion.

crear diálogo con la película, un espacio para la educación popular, y
un movimiento. Quisiéramos que esta película se vea por todas partes,
en diversas ciudades y posiblemente diversas naciones.

Tambien pedimos que manden una donacion para apoyar los programas comunitarios de las Comunidades Autonomas Revolucionarias

Pueden mandar donaciones a:
P.O. Box 292344, Los Angeles, Ca. 90029. USA

Tambien por nuestro PayPal en nuestro blog:

Nuestro correo electronico

Mohawks at Akwesasne Under Siege!!!

Akwesasne Under Siege

by Special Correspondent Jessica Yee, originally published at Rabble

Ed. Note: Jessica wrote this in response to Canadian border patrol agents being armed in Akwesasne. This article gives a summary of the situation:

A respected security and anti-terrorism expert says Canada’s federal government should stand by its guns and ignore threats from Mohawk militants in Cornwall, Ont., who have vowed to storm the Canadian border post if Ottawa gives sidearms to border agents there.

John Thompson, president of the Mackenzie Institute, a Toronto-based think-tank, said Monday that Mohawk militants are “blowing smoke,” and would never attempt an armed, illegal occupation of the offices of the Canadian Border Services Agency.

Native leaders and activists at Akwesasne have been warning for months they would take action to prevent Canada from giving 9-mm pistols to its border agents, because they say the presence of armed government agents on their reserve is an affront to their aboriginal sovereignty.

“Things are escalating in Akwesasne. The Indians aren’t being peaceful anymore,” the news reporters are saying.

500 years of colonization and the continuous refusal to acknowledge our fundamental human rights do not produce peaceful results. I’ll tell you that right now.

But I’m not currently in Akwesasne — my home community which has been under siege by the Border Patrol Services for quite some time now. Yes, the existence of a transnational border that tears a community apart is a sign of putting us under siege. Only this time, since June 1, 2009 to be exact, they want to legitimize and regulate their firearms against us.

So if you want to get a first hand account of what’s going on there right now — I implore you to ask someone who belongs to and is in the community as we speak. But I do have some things to say about this situation which has been a long time coming.

The media have repeatedly asked me about which “side” do I think is right, do I agree with the border being closed, do I side with the “warriors” who refused to back down to the rule of the governments, or am I simply indifferent to it all since I live in Toronto now?

I actually know precisely where I stand – as a Kanionke:haka woman, a Mohawk woman, who belongs to the Haudenosaunee people, and as young person who is part of the next seven generations, I am on the side of my community who is on the side of the land - of Mother Earth. As women we are titleholders and caretakers of the land. And I know very well that the border should not be there.

I am also not a trade economics ignoramus — I recognize why countries feel the need to have borders, make passport and visa systems, promote capitalism, etc. But what I have never understood is how can you really separate a people and a community? How can you tell a nation to pick a side? The answer is to conquer them — that’s how they tried to do it to us — and that’s also why.

What the border has done to far too many of our First Nations communities is horrific and atrocious on so many levels — and it has poisoned our minds to think in singular factions, instead of a full circle. Billy Two Rivers, an Elder and community activist from Kahnawake spoke to me about that this past weekend. “They have no right to tell you which side you belong to. Oh sure, they say it’s St. Regis on the ‘Canadian Side’ and Hogansburg on the ‘American side,’ but that is all your lands. It’s gotten to the minds of our people — and that has got to stop.”

It is incredibly degrading to have to show proof of citizenship simply to see your family or go to the other side of your own community — and sure we might have some sort of a special “border-crossing lane” but its mere existence is enough to put insult to injury — which continues to do much harm to our people. Borders were created to separate and destroy us, all across Turtle Island, but I don’t know how much other people remember this when it’s not going on in their territory.

So what’s going on in Akwesasne now is not an opportunity to jump on the bandwagon of telling the government to shove it — the issue runs much deeper than that. The border might be there, but we are NOT a conquered people.

Which way is going to best resolve this situation I’m not sure of yet but I do know we have a right to stand up for our own community, which will never solely be in Canada or the United States. We belong to Mother Earth in whom no one has claim over – and where there aren’t any borders.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009 LMAO

* #126 Vespa Scooters
* #125 Bob Marley
* #124 Hating People Who Wear Ed Hardy
* #123 Mad Men
* #122 Moleskine Notebooks
* #121 Funny or Ironic Tattoos
* #120 Taking a Year Off
* #119 Sea Salt
* #118 Ugly Sweater Parties
* #117 Political Prisoners
* #116 Black Music that Black People Don’t Listen to Anymore
* #115 Promising to Learn a New Language
* #114 America
* #113 Halloween
* #112 Hummus
* #111 Pea Coats
* #110 Frisbee Sports
* #109 The Onion
* #108 Appearing to Enjoy Classical Music
* #107 Self Aware Hip Hop References
* #106 Facebook
* #105 Unpaid Internships
* #104 Girls with Bangs
* #103 Sweaters
* #102 Children’s Games as Adults
* #101 Being Offended
* #100 Bumper Stickers
* #99 Grammar
* #98 The Ivy League
* #97 Scarves
* #96 New Balance Shoes
* #95 Rugby
* #94 Free Healthcare
* #93 Music Piracy
* #92 Book Deals
* #91 San Francisco
* #90 Dinner Parties
* #89 St. Patrick’s Day
* #88 Having Gay Friends
* #87 Outdoor Performance Clothes
* #86 Shorts
* #85 The Wire
* #84 T-Shirts
* #83 Bad Memories of High School
* #82 Hating Corporations
* #81 Graduate School
* #80 The Idea of Soccer
* #79 Modern Furniture
* #78 Multilingual Children
* #77 Musical Comedy
* #76 Bottles of Water
* #75 Threatening to Move to Canada
* #74 Oscar Parties
* #73 Gentrification
* #72 Study Abroad
* #71 Being the only white person around
* #70 Difficult Breakups
* #69 Mos Def
* #68 Michel Gondry
* #67 Standing Still at Concerts
* #66 Divorce
* #65 Co-Ed Sports
* #64 Recycling
* #63 Expensive Sandwiches
* #62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People
* #61 Bicycles
* #60 Toyota Prius
* #59 Natural Medicine
* #58 Japan
* #57 Juno
* #56 Lawyers
* #55 Apologies
* #54 Kitchen Gadgets
* #53 Dogs
* #52 Sarah Silverman
* #51 Living by the Water
* #50 Irony
* #49 Vintage
* #48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops
* #47 Arts Degrees
* #46 The Sunday New York Times
* #45 Asian Fusion Food
* #44 Public Radio
* #43 Plays
* #42 Sushi
* #41 Indie Music
* #40 Apple Products
* #39 Netflix
* #38 Arrested Development
* #37 Renovations
* #36 Breakfast Places
* #35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report
* #34 Architecture
* #33 Marijuana
* #32 Vegan/Vegetarianism
* #31 Snowboarding
* #30 Wrigley Field
* #29 80s Night
* #28 Not having a TV
* #27 Marathons
* #26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!)
* #25 David Sedaris
* #24 Wine
* #23 Microbreweries
* #22 Having Two Last Names
* #21 Writers Workshops
* #20 Being an expert on YOUR culture
* #19 Traveling
* #18 Awareness
* #17 Hating their Parents
* #16 Gifted Children
* #15 Yoga
* #14 Having Black Friends
* #13 Tea
* #12 Non-Profit Organizations
* #11 Asian Girls
* #10 Wes Anderson Movies
* #9 Making you feel bad about not going outside
* #8 Barack Obama
* #7 Diversity
* #6 Organic Food
* #5 Farmer’s Markets
* #4 Assists
* #3 Film Festivals
* #2 Religions their parents don’t belong to
* #1 Coffee

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Grants for radical writers and translators / Donate to the Institute of Anarchist Studies

Grant applications for radical writers and translators are due by June 15; for more info and instructions on how to apply, visit If you have any trouble with the online form e-mail

Also, the IAS is funded by generous donations from individuals of varying economic means. Contributions of any size are appreciated as practical examples of the power of mutual aid.

Please consider making a donation through the IAS Facebook Cause or by visiting!

You can donate just $1 a month, set up card payments on the site.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Hola compañeros URGENTE. En el transcurso de la mañana detuvieron a nuestros  compañeros de la Federación Local Libertaria e individuos Libertarios, se hace un llamado urgente para  movilizarnos en estos momentos a la agencia 50 del Ministerio Público que se ubica en calle Dr. Lavista, esquina Niños Héroes, Col. Doctores a dos cuadras de metro balderas.
Algunos nombres que se tienen hasta el momento de los compañeros detenidos son: Baldomero, Geraldine, Tonatiuh, y los integrantes del colectivo editorial Hormiga Libertaria,  Es urgente si alguno de ustedes tiene el contacto de abogados, lo haga saber.
 Corran la voz.

FLL (FEA) INFORMA es el Organo Informativo Electronico de la FEDERACION LOCAL LIBERTARIA
¡salud y revolución social!
¡presos politicos  LIBERTAD!
Colectivo Autónomo Magonista (CAMA)
Vivir para ser libres o morir para dejar de ser esclavos 
Visita nuestro Blog:

Correos electrónicos:

Dirección provisional:
Cerrada de Londres, no. 14, int. 1, col. Juárez, Del. Cuauhtémoc, México, D.F.
(A unos pasos de la estación del metro Sevilla) 

¡Obtén la mejor experiencia en la web!
Descarga gratis el nuevo Internet Explorer>

Apoyen La Biblioteca Social Reconstruir

A todos los compañeros y compañeras, interesados en ayudar a un acervo
cultural de la región mexicana y del mundo. La Biblioteca Social
Reconstruir se encuentra en grandes dificultades.

El pasado viernes 22 nos fue notificada una demanda por la cantidad de 28.
750 pesos, unos 2,800 dolares aproximadamente por concepto de adeudos
anteriores por renta, con la `posibilidad de embargo ademas de pagar los
costos del juicio el tiempo que se alarge y el pago de los abogados que nos
demandan; dandonos 5 dias para contestar la demanda y fijandonos el dia 2 de
junio para comparecer ante el juez, en el jusgado 40 del tribunal superior
de justicia del Distrito Federal Mexico.

Acudimos con un par de abogados que estan analizando la demanda para ver la
manera de enfrentarla. Nos han dicho de entrada que se puede alargar el
juicio por unos meses para dar tiempo de juntar el dinero que nos piden y
ver la manera de llegar al mejor arreglo, han considerado que es mejor
enfrentar la demanda ya que si no contestamos entonces ellos podran actuar
contra nosotros. Por ello es que pedimos su solidaridad.

A la muerte del Fundador Ricardo Mestre Ventura, en 1997, Nos hicimos cargo

de la biblio Martha Cecilia García Juárez y Tobi. El dia 1 de octubre de
2005 llegamos a la calle dolores 16 despacho 401 iniciando contrato con la
inmobilaria independencia por la cantidad de 2, 173 pesos mensuales con el
paso del tiempo subieron los costos del alquiler a 3,000, el contrato esta
firmado por martha por ello la demanda contra la Biblio viene a su nombre

La Biblioteca Social Reconstruir no recibe dinero de partidos políticos,
religiones ni gobierno alguno se mantiene por donaciones voluntarias de
amigos y simpatizantes. Y principalmente mediante conciertos hemos hecho
conciertos con Tragedy, Los Crudos; Sin Dios, Skaparrapid, Disidencia,
puagh, las adelitas, all systems fail y Grupos mexicanos como El odio oi,
Barra brava, Crímenes de Guerra, Sector oi, Fallas del sistema,, etc

Lamentablemente el movimiento libertario mexicano esta compuesto
mayoritariamente por jóvenes por lo que las aportaciones económicas son muy
escasas, y los conciertos no son muy seguidos debido a esto la situación
económica siempre ha sido precaria ,

Hay una gran cantidad de amigos que intentan que la biblioteca Social
Reconstruir permanezca y es debido a ellos que no se han cerrado las
puertas de este centro; mantenemos la firmeza de seguir adelante a pesar de
las dificultades. ¿Lo lograremos? Esto solo será posible por el concurso de
voluntades de los amigos de la Biblio. agradecemos su atención y su
preocupación, para aclaraciones o dudas pueden escribir a nuestro correo


Si deseas hacer una donación económica puedes hacerlo al banco

BBVA Bancomer a nombre de María Teresa Carvajal Juárez

al numero de cuenta :1108388237


Num. de cuenta 012 180 00108388237 (CLABE) CLAVE BANCARIA ESTANDAR


a nombre de María Teresa Carvajal Juárez

La Biblioteca Social Reconstruir es un espacio libertario que ha funcionado
en mexico desde 1978. Fundada por Ricardo Mestre. Quien nacio en Vilanova i
La geltru en Barcelona España. De jóven fue vendedor de periodicos,
participo en

huelgas desde el sindicato de la cnt, fue detenido debido a sus actividades
anarquistas a los 16 años, fue uno de los participantes en la fundacion de
la FAI, y tambien de las Juventudes Libertarias. Participo en la
Revolución Española de 1936 ; estuvo muy activo en las colectividades y en
el funcionamiento de la nueva sociedad acrata. En el frente fue un
miliciano, pero de la cultura, actuo como maestro. Al fué de los ultimos
en abandonar españa cuando triunfaron los franquistas, internado en un campo
de concentracion en francia, sale de alli y se embarca a mexico a bordo del
barco Ipanema llegando a Mexico a inicios de 1940

Actualmente la Biblioteca Social Reconstruir cuenta con un acervo de
social: Filosofía, novela, cuento, pedagogía, teatro, historia, arte,
ensayo político, socialismo etc. Así como una cantidad importante de
documentación y libros sobre: Todas las vertientes del Anarquismo, Guerra
Civil Española, Revolución Mexicana, Movimiento Obrero Internacional y
Mexicano, Situacionismo y Movimiento Punk Mexicano e Internacional.

El acervo anarquista esta compuesto de aproximadamente 1000 libros
y mas de 3000 de literatura social y miles de peridicos, revistas y
fanzines. Contamos con una cantidad importante de libros antiguos entre los

mencionamos :

La pornocracia de Proudhon editado en 1896; la filosofía del progreso de
1868 de Proudhon. El hombre y la tierra de Eliseo Reclus editado por la
escuela Moderna en 1908 y traducidopor Anselmo Lorenzo ( 6 tomos );
primeras ediciones de algunos libros de Ricardo Flores Magón editados en

Algunos libros raros como el socialismo científico de F. Bustamante editado
en 1916 en México; el manifiesto de Pierre Ramús de 1925;la enciclopedia
anarquista editada por el grupo tierra y libertad en México (2 tomos) y
muchos otros.

Mención especial de las acuarelas llamadas Estampas de la Revolución
Española editadas en Barcelona en un taller colectivizado durante la

La biblioteca cuenta con 600 publicaciones periódicas . Muchas de ellas
muertas, de pocos ejemplares , pero también las hay completas, de mas de
400 números . Algunas de ellas históricas como la excelente Revista Blanca,
de España; Inquietudes de las JJLL, Estudios o Mundo de 1945 en México, un
facsímil de algunos números de El Hijo del ahuizote, etc. Así también se
cuenta con cientos de periódicos de diversas partes del mundo de distintas

LA PROTESTA : 6 De agosto de 1922, 1 de nov de 1922, 23 de dic. 1923,25 de
dic 1925 REGENERACIÓN: 1de agosto de 1900, mas 25 Periódicos de la segunda
y tercera etapa publicados por la Federación Anarquista Mexicana entre los


TIERRA Y LIBERTAD: 46 periódicos de entre los años 1932-1938, editados en


CNT: 6 periódicos de entre los meses de sep de 1936 y dic de 1937

editados en Madrid.

ACCION: al servicio de la CNT de España 1946 4 números publicados entre

abril y julio de 1946 en México.

LIBERTAD Órgano de la Federación anarquista del Centro México; 15

ejemplares editados

Entre los años 1942 y 1943. HUMANIDAD Periódico Individualista editado en
el año 1943 por Miguel Jiménez Igualada.

AURORA ROJO periódico único del 1 de junio de 1938 editado de

Aguascalientes México.

Tenemos 150 periódicos anarquistas editados en España entre los años
1936-1939 Entre muchas otras publicaciones mexicanas y mundiales
Windows Live te ayuda a mantenerte en contacto con todos tus amigos en un solo sitio.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009




May 24rd, 2009

NYM Warrior arrested and held on 7 year old charges for Defending the Land!

On Thursday May 21st, a Warrior from the Native Youth Movement Warrior

Society was arrested and detained in Halkomelem Territory (near so-called

hope, british columbia, kkklanada).

Shark is a 27 year old Father of 5 Secwepemc children, from the Ohlone &

Chumash Nations. He is currently being held for ransom in the Kamloops

Regional Correctional Center (KRCC), facing charges stemming from

protecting Secwepemc mountains, Skwelkwek'welt. These Sacred Mountains are

being destroyed by Japanese company, Sun Peaks Resort Corporation. The

governments of “British Columbia and

Canada” are illegally selling Native

Land to foreign invaders, and companies. These companies develop mass

destruction to the land water, in turn killing the original, natural

habitat of these mountains, including the Secwepemc People.

Since 2000, Secwepemc people have been taking direct action to stop Sun

Peaks from destroying Skwelkwekwelt, their Hunting, Berry Picking &

Medicine Mountains. The People left the Indian Reserve to take back their

traditional territory and stop Sun Peaks expansion.

In 2001, the Secwepemc formed a chapter of the Native Youth Movement. They

called other Native Warriors to help Defend the Land for the Future

generations. Shark was one of those who responded to the call.

From May to December 2001 there were over 50 arrests made of Secwepemc

People & their Allies, among them were 74 and 78 year-old women. Since

then, there has been targeting of Native Youth Movement

and Skwelkwek'welt

Defenders. Many have been arrested in connection with Taking Back The Land

at Skwelkwekwelt.

We are asking all those who support the struggle for the Land and

Indigenous Autonomy to make a donation & spread the word to Free Shark.

Those who put themselves between the Invader and the People must be

protected. A Warrior is a special person who understands that their

willingness to protect women, children, land & water, may result in

incarceration, injury or death, but they do it anyway knowing that Truth &

Mother Earth are on their side.

Send donations ASAP to help Free Shark to:

Miranda Dick

Royal Bank (in the midst of switching to climate friendly banking)

Shuswap Ave., Chase, BC

Transit # 00880

Account # 5055447












Monday, June 1, 2009

FIRE Raids ICE Management Meeting, Delivers Notice of Deportation

FIRE Raids ICE Management Meeting, Delivers Notice of Deportation
of ICE from Flagstaff

Flagstaff. AZ -- At approximately 10AM on Thursday December 4th,
Flagstaff Immigrant Rights Enforcement (FIRE) confronted
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in a daring raid, serving
a notice of deportation to ICE representatives at an ICE Management
meeting. FIRE agents pinpointed the location of the ICE management
meeting at the Flagstaff Radisson Hotel in the Kaibab Meeting Room
and staged the raid. FIRE agent Del Fuego read the notice of
deportation to more than 15 ICE associated criminals, some of whom
appeared to possibly be illegal immigrants themselves, as they were
not Indigenous People. Agent Del Fuego called for the immediate
withdrawal of ICE from the Flagstaff community and notified ICE of
the cease and desist order for all future raids.

FIRE will continue supporting and enforcing immigrant rights where
they are violated with the exception of established immigrant
"settlers" or "colonizers" who have been benefitting from the
exploitation of Indigenous People's lands. In addition, locations
believed to be harboring ICE criminals, associates, and illegal
settlers on indigenous lands can expect future FIRE raids. FIRE has
credible intelligence that ICE absconders use condominiums, country
clubs, law enforcement facilities, steakhouses, stretch limousines,
luxury hotels, beach resorts, ski resorts, martini bars,
intelligence facilities, etc., as bases of operation. These
settlers will be brought to justice. No human is illegal.


Notice served on this, the 4th day of December, 2008 by Flagstaff
Immigrant Rights Enforcement (FIRE) for the immediate deportation
from the Flagstaff area of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE) officers and officials.

FIRE charges ICE with the following activities deemed criminal and
in violation of human rights. These activities include but are not
limited to:

◆ Terrorizing entire communities resulting in the destruction of
over 34,000 families within the last year alone, including most
recently, 16 persons within the immediate Flagstaff area.
◆ Causing fear that has extended into the hearts of our community's
children, who, due to your presence, live in constant trauma of
returning to an empty home.
◆ Taking no meaningful measures to ensure the well-being of those
impacted by family members' deportation.
◆ Perpetuating institutionalized racism and practicing racial
◆ Aiding and abetting border militarization on both sides of the US-
Mexico border.
◆ Creating and upholding the myth of "illegal human beings".
◆ Enforcing and benefitting from a global economic system that
criminalizes labor and creates deathly low wages.
◆ Enforcing immigration policies on borders drawn on indigenous
◆ Misappropriation of taxpayer funds for aforementioned terrorist
activity while education, health care, and housing services

---------------------------------------- ---------------

About FIRE - Flagstaff Immigrant Rights Enforcement is established
to take direct action in solidarity with communities impacted by
ICE raids. We do not represent anyone or any groups other than
ourselves and our actions. FIRE is an independent agency and can be
made up of anyone fighting for human rights and the abolition of