be Screening a new film by Simon Sedillo Guarda Bosques/Forrest Keepers
and Fundraiser for the Autonomous Commune of Cheran in Michoacan,
In Los Angeles on February 23rd.
Event is will be held at the
Maravilla Handball Court 501 Mednik Ave Los Angeles, CA 90022
**There will also be a photo exhibit from the Purepecha Struggle for Autonomy and Self-Defense of their territories through out the region of Michoacan by Purepecha photographer Juan Jose Estrada Serafin.**
“Weapons Drugs and Slavery: Crime and Corruption in the US Political Economy”
“Weapons Drugs and Slavery: Crime and Corruption in the US Political Economy” is a new investigation into the US political economy, corporate globalization, illegal banking practices, and US militarism. Sedillo’s presentation will facilitate a participatory discussion about crime and corruption in the US political economy and the effects of this on poor people everywhere. This presentation will identify the way in which several institutions and industries perpetrate society’s worst crimes while systematically oppressing and criminalizing communities of color, indigenous communities, and poor people in general. The presentation will also discuss indigenous strategies for community liberation and will propose a three point plan for “Hood Liberation”.
This presentation will be followed by a screening of the film:
“Guarda Bosques” (Forest Keepers) 45 min.
On April 15th 2011, when organized crime thugs teamed up with the logging industry and different government agencies to pillage precious and sacred forests at gun-point, the indigenous Purepecha community of Cheran, Michoacan, Mexico rose up with sticks, rocks, and bottle rockets against what can only be described as their local narco-government. Since then, they have taken the authorities offices, weapons, and pick-up trucks, ousted all political parties and all local and state police, and have re-established a traditional form of self-governance that includes its own council of elders, a community “police”, known as a “ronda”, and its own forest defense team, or forest keepers, known as the “Guarda Bosques.”
Info on Simon Sedillo
In Los Angeles on February 23rd.
Event is will be held at the
Maravilla Handball Court 501 Mednik Ave Los Angeles, CA 90022
**There will also be a photo exhibit from the Purepecha Struggle for Autonomy and Self-Defense of their territories through out the region of Michoacan by Purepecha photographer Juan Jose Estrada Serafin.**
“Weapons Drugs and Slavery: Crime and Corruption in the US Political Economy”
“Weapons Drugs and Slavery: Crime and Corruption in the US Political Economy” is a new investigation into the US political economy, corporate globalization, illegal banking practices, and US militarism. Sedillo’s presentation will facilitate a participatory discussion about crime and corruption in the US political economy and the effects of this on poor people everywhere. This presentation will identify the way in which several institutions and industries perpetrate society’s worst crimes while systematically oppressing and criminalizing communities of color, indigenous communities, and poor people in general. The presentation will also discuss indigenous strategies for community liberation and will propose a three point plan for “Hood Liberation”.
This presentation will be followed by a screening of the film:
“Guarda Bosques” (Forest Keepers) 45 min.
On April 15th 2011, when organized crime thugs teamed up with the logging industry and different government agencies to pillage precious and sacred forests at gun-point, the indigenous Purepecha community of Cheran, Michoacan, Mexico rose up with sticks, rocks, and bottle rockets against what can only be described as their local narco-government. Since then, they have taken the authorities offices, weapons, and pick-up trucks, ousted all political parties and all local and state police, and have re-established a traditional form of self-governance that includes its own council of elders, a community “police”, known as a “ronda”, and its own forest defense team, or forest keepers, known as the “Guarda Bosques.”
Info on Simon Sedillo
1 comment:
Les comparto mi poema . . .
“Grave ecocidio forestal, la vida en peligro mortal.”
Los árboles sufren de pie,
por sus raíces, asidas a la fe,
enferman, lloran, fenecen,
tan cruel suerte no merecen.
El más humilde follaje
es víctima del ultraje,
¿quién resarcirá su orgullo,
quién les dará tierno arrullo?
Soy el alma de los bosques
que, por culpa de unos torpes,
“vegetan” con flora inerte
o han encontrado la muerte.
Soy la entraña de los montes,
de colinas, horizontes,
que han quedado desolados,
por algunos desalmados.
Soy la esencia de natura,
víctima de la incultura,
de intereses de unos cuantos,
por los que sufro de espantos.
Florestas de oyamel y pino,
¿porqué tan brutal destino?,
son taladas, son quemadas,
en lugar de ser amadas.
Robles, caobas maderas,
tropicales arboledas,
de la vida son las vetas,
hay que imponer serias vedas.
Contingencias ambientales,
algunas monumentales,
destruyen su ecosistema,
por imperio, por sistema.
¡A impedir que eso suceda,
que su grandeza no muera!,
son los pulmones del orbe,
oxígeno que se absorbe.
Soy la conciencia de todos
los seres humanos probos
que, a toda ciencia y paciencia,
cuidarán de la existencia.
De las frondas, de su fauna,
dejando atrás todo trauma,
remediando el ecocidio,
la sociedad en concilio.
Soy principio de justicia
que, a los pueblos, acaricia,
soy la condena del mundo
que clama, en lo más profundo:
“Talamontes infelices,
que no siguen directrices,
incendiarios despiadados
que, del diablo, son aliados.
Dejen en paz nuestros bosques,
ya somos sus guardabosques,
¡muy pronto tendremos fiesta,
nuestro amor los reforesta!”
Autor: Lic. Gonzalo Ramos Aranda
Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México, a 06 de junio del 2013
Reg. SEP Indautor No. 03-2013-111212464200-14
A la memoria de la Reserva Ecológica “Estribo Grande”, pulmón de la región de Pátzcuaro, devastada debido al incendio ocurrido los días 12 y 13 de abril del 2013.
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