Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Community Town Hall Forum: Concrete Solutions to Police Brutality


Concrete Solutions to Police Brutality-

Justice for Oscar Grant!

2pm, Sunday, April 18
Southern California Library
6120 Vermont Ave.

hosted by- Keishia Brunston

mc- Dedon Kamathi

poetry by- Lorenzo

Rachel Jackson- Oakland Assembly for Justice for Oscar Grant
Aidge Patterson- October 22 Coalition
Jubilee Shine- Coalition for Community Control Over the Police
Roland Freeman- original founding member, Black Panther Party, Southern California Chapter
Jack Bryson- father of 2 friends of Oscar who were with him on the train platfom.

representatives from:
Black Riders Liberation Party

trial begins June 7 for Killer Cop Mehserle
210 w. Temple

Los Angeles Coalition for Justice for Oscar Grant 213.663.6316 Donations Welcome

unite the many,
defeat the few!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Fundraiser for Political Prisoner Oso Blanco and Chiapas

Sisters and Brothers,

On April 10th there will be an event to raise funds for Oso Blanco and schoolchildren in Chiapas. Oso is a Cherokee Indian who was robbing banks in the late 1999 before capture and in 2001 after his escape from prison. He used the funds from the bank expropriations to support the Zapatistas rebels (EZLN) and Mayan children in EZLN communities in the Mexican state of Chiapas.

Since his latest capture in February 2001 Oso has continued to support for Native struggle, and has become an advocate for Native Rights within the prison community as well. As a result he has been targeted for his political views and subjected to isolation, beatings, and torture. Aside form being denied visitors, phone calls, and many times even mail; he was tortured by guards in Lewisburg prison in both November and June of 2009. Because of these types of abuses we would also like to raise awareness and concerns for the conditions of political prisoners in the United States, including Oso Blanco.

The event will feature music, art, poetry, vendors, and political prisoner support outlets for the benefit of indigenous struggle. Workshops on indigenous and prisoner movements in North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico) will be held as well as know your rights trainings and other informative sessions on how to support political prisoners. Profit gained from the event will be split to benefit Oso Blanco’s legal defense and children in Chiapas.



Natives vow ‘whatever it takes' to stop projects ; Coastal First Nations declare opposition to oil pipeline

Natives vow ‘whatever it takes' to stop projects

Mark Hume and Justine Hunter

Globe and Mail Update Published on Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2010 9:56PM EDT Last
updated on Wednesday, Mar. 24, 2010 2:37AM EDT

Major resource projects in British Columbia suffered a double blow Tuesday
as one native band used the courts to block a proposed coal mine, while
other bands formed a broad coalition to oppose a multibillion-dollar
pipeline and the oil-tanker traffic it would generate.

The developments signalled a change in the attitude of native leaders who
say they are prepared to do “whatever it takes” to stop projects they feel
threaten their communities.

Gerald Amos, director of the Coastal First Nations, said natives have always
understood the importance of protecting the environment, but with so many
big resource projects proposed in B.C., it's time to take a harder stand.

“Perhaps we haven't been strong enough … from here on out… we are going to
be firm,” said Mr. Amos, who lives in Kitimat, near the terminus of
Enbridge's proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline.

Mr. Amos said legal challenges and political pressure will be used to stop
the pipeline, but “if it goes ahead and tankers come through our waters, we
are preparing to put boats right across the channel and stop them … Whatever
it takes. Our position right now is that this project is not going to

A coalition of nine coastal bands issued a declaration which states that
“oil tankers carrying crude oil from the Alberta Tar Sands will not be
allowed to transit our lands and waters.”

About 28 bands, an equal number of environmental groups, 45 businesses and
35 prominent individuals also showed support by signing a full page ad,
which ran in The Globe and Mail yesterday, opposing the Enbridge project.

Vicky Husband, a leading conservationist in B.C., said environmental groups
from around the world are prepared to support the native protest.

Art Sterritt, executive director of the Coastal First Nations, said it is an
unprecedented show of united strength. “We all believe the Enbridge Gateway
project is a threat to our way of culture and our way of life,” he said.

In Victoria, Premier Gordon Campbell said the project will not go ahead if
it is harmful to the environment – but he stressed the jobs and other
benefits it could bring to people in the north.

“I think we should always look for ways to put people back to work in
British Columbia. Certainly across the north, many, many people have said
their major concern … is their jobs and investment in the future of their
families. And the second thing we have always been clear about is that
economic development projects in this province always take place within the
context of a full, thorough, rigid, scientifically sound environmental
review,” Mr. Campbell said.

The proposed pipeline, which would carry 525,000 barrels of petroleum a day
from Alberta to the B.C. coast, is subject to hearings by the National
Energy Board.

A company official could not be reached for immediate comment, but Enbridge
has said the future of the pipeline depends on support from northern

Grand Chief Edward John, an executive member of the First Nations Summit,
said a number of court rulings in recent years have underscored the legal
requirement for native bands to be consulted before projects go ahead.

The Supreme Court of B.C. emphasized just that point in a ruling this week,
in which the B.C. government was chastised for failing to have meaningful
consultation with the West Moberly band, near Fort St. John, in central B.C.

The West Moberly band opposed a First Coal Corporation mine on the grounds
it would destroy the Burnt Pine caribou herd, and impair a traditional right
to hunt.

B.C. government officials approved the sample extraction of 50,000 tons of
coal after meeting with the band, but without taking any steps to protect
the endangered herd.

Justice Paul Williamson said First Coal had met its obligations to consult
with the band, but “the Crown's failure to put in place an active plan for
the protection and rehabilitation of the Burnt Pine herd is a failure to
accommodate reasonably.”

The court ruled mining work being undertaken by First Coal must be halted
until the province has met its obligation to consult with the band and come
up with a plan to protect the endangered herd of caribou.

“I'm elated,” said West Moberly Chief Roland Willson. “Out intent wasn't to
stop the project, it was to protect the caribou. But the outcome is the mine
is stopped because that's an incompatible use of the land.”


Coastal First Nations declare opposition to oil pipeline

Tamsyn Burgmann

Vancouver, BC — The Canadian Press Published on Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2010
1:21PM EDT Last updated on Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2010 10:00PM EDT

Dozens of orcas, hundreds of thousands of seabirds and millions of salmon
were wiped out when the Exxon Valdez oil tanker spilled 40 millions litres
of crude oil into Alaskan waters.

Twenty-one years later, a coalition of British Columbia First Nations says
such a disaster can never be allowed to happen again, and declared it will
do whatever it takes to stop a proposed pipeline from the Alberta tar sands
to the B.C. coast.

More than 150 First Nations, businesses, environmental organizations and
prominent Canadians have signed on to the campaign to stop the pipeline
proposed by Calgary-based Enbridge Inc.

They say the risk of an oil spill is just too great.

“We all believe the Enbridge Gateway pipeline project is a threat to the
very existence of our culture and our way of life,” Art Sterritt, executive
director of the Coastal First Nations, told reporters Tuesday.

“There are some who believe the Enbridge project is a done deal. It isn’t.
It is over.”

The Enbridge Northern Gateway Project would see two 1,170-kilometre
pipelines stretching from the tar sands near Edmonton to the northern B.C.
coast town of Kitimat.

Crude would flow, crossing more than 1,000 streams and rivers, mountain
ranges, avalanche-prone terrain and rainforest ecosystems before being
loaded onto upwards of 150 tankers annually for export.

The majority of the landscape to be covered is traditional B.C. First
Nations land.

“It would be both unwise and irresponsible for Enbridge to ignore us or our
constitutionally protected rights and title in British Columbia,” Mr.
Sterritt said.

The Coastal First Nations, who are heading the declaration, are an alliance
of communities on B.C.’s north and central coast, including the islands of
Haida Gwaii.

An Enbridge spokesperson did not return a call for comment.

But the company has touted the benefits of the project, saying more than
4,000 construction jobs and thousands more indirect jobs would be created,
while generating hundreds of millions in tax revenue for both provinces.

The company has said ships have safely carried petrochemicals out of the
Kitimat port for 25 years.

“We will continue this tradition of safe passage in and out of Kitimat and
will in fact provide safety improvements that will benefit shipping on the
coast,” says the Enbridge website.

But Mr. Sterritt said after five years of scientific research and community
consultations, the groups that have signed onto the campaign believe “no
good” can come from the project.

It could jeopardize the land, water, people and wildlife for generations to
come, say those opposed.

“We don’t ... make this declaration blindly or lightly, we make it from an
informed position,” said Gerald Amos, a director of Coastal First Nations.

He said a blockade on the water is possible if the project goes ahead.

Along with 28 B.C. First Nations, the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs and some
aboriginal groups from Alberta, environmental groups including the David
Suzuki Foundation and the Pembina Institute also signed on to the campaign.

Author Margaret Atwood, Vancouver Canuck Willie Mitchell and 10 Canadian
Olympians, including Kristina Groves, are also on board,.

Environmentalist Vicky Husband said she believes two additional pipelines
would allow an increase in production in the Alberta tar sands of up to 30
per cent.

“If we actually believe in taking steps to deal with climate change, the tar
sands needs to be phased out,” she said. “Otherwise, Canada will be a major
source of greenhouse gas emissions, ongoing.”

Premier Gordon Campbell said the project will not proceed if it’s deemed too
dangerous for the environment.

He said the government wants to build an economic future for B.C. First
Nations, “in a way that meets all of our environmental standards.”

The New Democrats called on the government to drop the project but B.C.
Energy Minister Blair Lekstrom said B.C. residents want more money for
health care, social programs and roads.

“All of that comes from our resource industry – and we have to find that
balance,” he told a Vancouver radio station.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

2do Congreso Libertario

Programa del Segundo Congreso Libertario

Auditorio Che Guevara, Ciudad Universitaria, México, 20 y 21 de marzo de 2010


Uno de los objetivos del 2do. Congreso Libertario es construir un espacio de encuentro, análisis y discusión política, desde el anarquismo, donde podamos conocernos y reconocernos desde nuestras distintas quimeras ácratas, para vincularnos y dar continuidad al trabajo de construcción de la Federación Local Libertaria con la aportación de nuevos compañeros que se quieran integrar o que celebren con nosotros este proceso de construcción anarquista en el D.F. y estado de México, así como compañeros del resto de la República. Igualmente importante es la finalidad de iniciar y mantener contactos solidarios con otras organizaciones no afiliadas a partidos políticos o con afinidad al anarquismo aún cuando éstas no desearan afiliarse a la Federación. Asimismo , nos proponemos discutir y acordar iniciativas para desarrollar la lucha social anarquista.


1er día: 20 de marzo

10:00-11.00. hrs.: Registro de asistentes.

11:00-11:30. Inauguración y saludos.


Presentación de lo que fue el proceso de construcción del 1er. Congreso y el caminar de la Federación hasta nuestros días.


Primer análisis: Quiénes somos, cómo vemos nuestra realidad, cómo la vivimos.

Segundo análisis: Cuáles proyectos trabajamos desde nuestra localidad, cómo estamos vinculadxs en nuestra realidad política local y/o nacional, cómo nos sirve para contrarrestar las formas de opresión, qué necesitamos para desarrollar la lucha anarquista.

Dependiendo de la asistencia, dividirnos en equipos para la discusión y análisis de los puntos. Sacar relatoría

15:00 a 16:00



Mesas temáticas: Pedagogía libertaria, movimiento indígena, anarcosindicalismo, liberación animal, arte libertario, medios libres, anarcofeminismo, presxs políticxs, antifascismo, defensa de recursos naturales.

Dividirnos en equipos y sacar relataría.

Al finalizar, Presentación de libro

2do día: 21 de marzo

10:00-14:00 hrs.

Plenaria de discusión y acuerdos.

Orden del día:

Resolutivos de los equipos formados durante el primer día.

Puntos en común y conclusiones.

Plan de acción.

Federacion Local Libertaria

Colectivo Autónomo Magonista (CAMA)
Vivir para ser libres o morir para dejar de ser esclavos
Visita nuestro Blog:

Correos electrónicos:
Dirección provisional:
Cerrada de Londres, no. 14, int. 1, col. Juárez, Del. Cuauhtémoc, México, D.F.
(A unos pasos de la estación del metro Sevilla)

Libres nuestros compañeros Noel y Juventino García Cruz de CODEDI-AMZ

La Alianza Magonista Zapatista se congratula por la liberación de nuestros hermanos y compañeros del Comité de Defensa de los Derechos Indígenas de Santiago Xanica (CODEDI) Juventino y Noel García Cruz, el día de hoy miércoles 17 de marzo a las 8 a .m del penal de Pochutla Oaxaca, quienes desde el 15 de enero del 2005 estaban presos por el gobiernos de Ulises Ruiz Ortiz, por el hecho de defender su tierra y su autonomía.

Así mismo agradecemos la solidaridad y la fraternidad de todas aquellas personas, compañeros y compañeras y organizaciones de México y el mundo ya que este gran logro es el resultado de la lucha y la solidaridad de todas y de todos.

¡¡Presos Políticos Libertad!!

¡¡Abajo los muros de las prisiones!!


Comité de Defensa de los Derechos Indígenas, Santiago Xanica Oaxaca (CODEDI)

Organizaciones Indias por los Derechos Humanos de Oaxaca (OIDHO)

Colectivo Autónomo Magonista (CAMA)


Colectivo Autónomo Magonista (CAMA)
Vivir para ser libres o morir para dejar de ser esclavos
Visita nuestro Blog:

Correos electrónicos:
Dirección provisional:
Cerrada de Londres, no. 14, int. 1, col. Juárez, Del. Cuauhtémoc, México, D.F.
(A unos pasos de la estación del metro Sevilla)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Declaracion del Movimiento de la Juventud Indigena: Nativos Celebran fracaso olimpico

Movimiento de la Juventud Indígena

Declaración: Nativos celebran fracaso olímpico

Native Youth Movement / Movimiento de la Juventud Indigena

Declaración al Universo

Guerra por la Tierra y Libertad sigue ...

Los pueblos indígenas están celebrando en el mundo después de asegurar la victoria sobre los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de 2010. Los invasores fueron advertidos de no entrar en nuestras tierras y ahora tienen la culpa que " los juegos olímpicos sean cada vez peor". Por primera vez no hay nieve natural en la acogida de la ciudad olímpica, que se sienta en las Naciones Unidas entregó Territorios Indígenas. 20.000 + entradas tuvieron que ser reembolsado después de la cancelación de muchos eventos, porque no tiene nieve. El nombre de una Luger de Georgia 'ahora está junto a Harriet Nahanee y millones de otras formas de vida que fueron asesinados por los Juegos Olímpicos. El mal resultado puede ser visto como una pequeña muestra de lo que espera cualquier inversores, las empresas o de invasores civiles de * que entran en territorios indígenas.

¿Por qué debemos luchar por

Objetivos Indígenas

Luchamos por Tierra y Libertad. La lucha por nuestras tierras y el modo de vida sigue siendo exactamente el mismo como cuando Crazy Horse, Geronimo, Tecumseh y Tupac Amaru estaban vivos. Lo único diferente es la mente, la realidad física es que otro grupo de seres humanos siguen imponiendo sus creencias y en nuestros pueblos y tierras indígenas a punta de pistola. Nuestras tierras están ocupadas por los invasores, violadas con fines de lucro, la guerra, el entretenimiento y la comodidad del humano. Los invasores no han robado nuestra tierra, la tierra están todavía aquí, en concreto o no, sigue siendo, y mientras nos quedamos vamos a luchar para expulsar a todos los invasores que destruyen o tratan de destruirla.

La invasión y la ocupación de nuestras tierras indígenas no es simplemente otro tema, es la causa fundamental de todos los problemas. Esta ocupación de nuestras tierras debe ser el foco de la educación y la discusión. Si usted es nativo tenemos que constantemente preguntarnos cómo podemos sacar a los invasores de nuestras tierras y liberar a nuestra Madre Tierra de estos malos parásitos. Si usted es un seguidor de usted debe preguntarse de quién es el Territorio Indígena que está ocupando ilegalmente y cómo se puede ayudar con la de-ocupación de las tierras indígenas por los invasores? Ese debe ser nuestro objetivo, si usted dice que quiere ayudar a los problemas que a continuación abordar la causa fundamental de lo que realmente está causando los problemas, que es este falso sistema colonial de la existencia. Esto no es Canadá, Estados Unidos, México, o cualquier otro neo Europea falso país colonial. Así como nuestros aliados en todo el mundo están luchando para expulsar a los colonialistas civil, industrial y militar de sus tierras, nosotros también.

Temen que la Unidad de los Pueblos Indígenas tanto negaron a representantes de decenas de las naciones indígenas para asistir a la Asamblea de los Pueblos Indígenas (organizada por la Nación Secwepemc en la llamada Columbia Británica, kkkanada) y de convergencia de 2010, todo por una línea falsa que divide a nuestro pueblo. No importa, no se puede detener, nuestros pensamientos y oraciones ayudaron a asegurarse de que no hubiera nieve y los Juegos Olímpicos fueron un fracaso desordenado, en el mejor. Un mensaje para el mundo fue enviado: No queremos la minería, estaciones de esquí, embalses, líneas eléctricas, carreteras, ferrocarriles, ciudades, puertos de aguas profundas, piscifactorías, vertederos de basura, parques industriales o de cualquier invasión militar o civil, en nuestras tierras, que causan la destrucción masiva de nuestros territorios.

Mientras kkkanada tratado de mostrar al mundo que son nuestros amigos, la Nación Okanagan, montaron un retén para defender sus tierras de la tala de destrucción.

Sólo una hora de Whistler, una sede olímpica, se encuentra una aldea nueva, Sutikalh, establecida hace casi 10 años en las montañas de la Nación St'at'imc, para detener a $ 550-millones de estación de esquí de ser incorporado en algunos de los los valles vírgenes intactas última alpino.

En la Nación Tahltan, un campamento se ha establecido para detener la perforación de Shell Oil en sus tierras sagradas, las cabeceras de 3 de los mayores ríos de salmón que lleven a la izquierda en el mundo.

Los Secwepemc continuan su década de lucha con el esquí de Sun Peaks, para detener la minería en las cabeceras de la cuenca del río Adams, que es el hogar de los salmones más grande de salmón rojo en el hemisferio occidental, así como la protección de cementerios sagrados de Trans la autopista de Canadá y la expansión de ferrocarril CP.

El wet'suwet'en están luchando para detener a dos grandes oleoductos de que se está construyendo a través de su territorio, así como la protección de sus tierras de minería y explotación forestal.

Popular Haudenosaunee, una Confederación de seis de la Nación Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Mohawk y Tuscarora se enfrentan sin descanso la invasión, la destrucción y ocupación de sus tierras.

Los Algonquinos del lago Barrie están luchando para detener la tala ilegal en su territorio y guardar su agua y su forma de vida.

Los Dene luchan contra el proyecto industrial más grande en la historia de la humanidad y el proceso más destructivas conocidas por el hombre-tipo, las arenas bituminosas. “Tar Sands”

Los mayas están luchando contra las empresas mineras kkkanadienses mientras que las aldeas están siendo destruidas y los pueblos indígenas asesinados diariamente.

En Grassy Narrows, Annishinabe han estado luchando contra la tala por años, para poner fin a sus operaciones. En el norte de Ontario, Annishinabe también están luchando contra la minería de destrucción de los bosques boreales todavía vírgenes.

De los Pueblos Indígenas en la Amazonía también están luchando la minería kkkanadiense y la exploración de petróleo con grandes enfrentamientos han provocado la muerte de más de 30 pueblos indígenas. Los pueblos indígenas se están defendiendo, con 24 agentes de policía empalado y muertos con lanzas indígenas. Y de los pueblos Awajun Wampis detuvieron a cinco empleados de la empresa minera canadiense IAMGOLD, que no tenía ninguna autorización para entrar en su territorio.

Lakota, los pueblos indígenas en Dakota del Sur en los llamados Estados Unidos continúa la lucha por su Sagrada Black Hills y poner fin a una empresa minera de uranio kkkanadiense de perforación en el corazón de la Madre Tierra.

Luchadores por Tierras Indígenas, costa a costa, fueron atacados y hostigados por las autoridades de seguridad integrada (que ha unificado a todas las fuerzas militares y de policía en todo kkkanada) para los años anteriores a los Juegos Olímpicos. El jefe de la seguridad olímpica es Bud Mercer, un gringo racista notorio enemigo indio, que era un (equipo de respuesta de emergencia ERT) Miembros que intentó hacer explotar los indios con una mina terrestre. La explosión se inició un tiroteo que vio a la policía (incluyendo Mercer) disparar un exceso de 77.000 cartuchos de municiones tratando de matar a la gente Secwepemc en sus propios terrenos ceremoniales (Gustafsen Lake, 1995). Esta fue la operación más grande en la historia de la Real Policía Montada kkkanadiense.

De los Pueblos Indígenas de las Naciones de la St'at'imc, Squamish, Secwepemc, Haida, Helsik, Mohawk, Tuscarora, Onondoga, Halkomelem, mi'kmaq, Ktunaxa, cri, Annishinabe, kwakiutl, Tsimshian, así como de los Pueblos Indígenas de Oaxaca, y otras áreas de lo que se llama México, y los partidarios de incontables han sido el blanco de mil millones de dólares de su presupuesto de seguridad olímpica. En un esfuerzo para intimidar y asustar a los pueblos indígenas de luchar por nuestras tierras. Las tácticas de miedo no sirven de nada, somos más de 500 años de profundidad en esta resistencia, sólo continúan haciéndonos más fuertes, nunca nos rendirán ni caer en sus amenazas, mentiras o rumores. El hombre imperios del mundo se derrumban ante nuestros ojos. La caída del mundo del hombre blanco es inminente.

No buscamos la pena o el reconocimiento del hombre blanco-, es que tenemos el poder de reconocimiento y sólo hay una cosa que reconocer, que este es un sistema enemigo de toda la vida y que nunca dejaran de luchar hasta deshacerse de nuestras tierras hermosas. Nuestra tierra no está en venta!

Estamos en Solidaridad con el Pueblo y las Tierras de los Juegos Olímpicos será Invadir Londres el próximo, y Sochi, sabemos que la resistencia aumentará. Estamos en plena alianza con los indígenas de Tabasco, que luchan por sus tierras y en contra de una masiva celebración de 2010 colonial en el sur. A los hermanos y hermanas de la Nación Tuhoe, enviamos nuestros Grito de guerra de la Unidad, a todos ustedes luchando y forzados a la corte del hombre blanco, usted será liberado. Quiten todos los cargos de JR Valrey. Para Gloria Arenas y Jacobo Silva Estamos encantados de oír de su liberación desde las líneas enemigas, exigimos lo mismo para Leonard Peltier, John Graham, los presos de Atenco y Oaxaca, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Russell Maroon Shoats, los 9 de MOVE, Los guerreros Mapuches, y todos aquellos que temen, esperamos reunirnos con usted en el campo de batalla en la unidad contra nuestros enemigos.

De los Pueblos Indígenas, nuestros guerreros en edad de combatir son la mayoría, una vez más. Enviamos nuestro abrazo militante a los Zapatistas, los Mapuche, Dineh, Kuna, Seminole, Nuxalk, Gitksan, Taínos, los Maoríes, Nasa, los guerreros de Papúa Occidental, los pueblos indígenas de Filipinas, y todos los pueblos indígenas del mundo luchando contra los enemigos de la de la Tierra. Unámonos con las plantas, animales, viento, sol, aire, agua y toda la Creación de una Alianza guerreros para luchar por la vida.

Somos el Ejército de la Tierra. No pararemos hasta que ganemos. Nunca nos rendiremos. Warriors Unite / Unanse Guerreros.

Movimiento de la Juventud Indigena , Sociedad Guerrera

Montañas del Noroeste No-rendidas (consulte la sección de vídeo para ver más escenas de lucha por la tierra)

Para obtener más información sobre la lucha por la tierra indígena

St'at'imc - Sutikalh @ N03 /

Okanagan - Facebook Brown Quebradas de protección para nuestra cuenca group.php #! /? Gid = 318070971723

Tahltan - documental Nigeria del Norte

Levantamiento del lago Gustafsen / desarrollo / Secwepemc-tspeten.htm

* colonos no es un término correcto, es muy pasiva dando la impresión de que la ocupación de nuestras tierras indígenas están bien, que la ocupación de los invasores aquí se resuelve, hecho y acordado, pero no lo es. Los invasores civiles actual aún podría corregir los errores, el apoyo a indígenas de Autonomía,

Únete al Movimiento para Regresar a Europa. Empieza un capítulo en la área que ocupas.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


For DONATIONS within the US click on the following PayPal link:


I hope this message finds you well. Here is your chance to show solidarity with other anti-capistalist, anti-authoritarian comrades. Please read the message below, consider donating through the PayPal account above or the links below and please pass on the information to others. The collectives below are groups I have met personally and trust. If you'd like more information and/or wish to organize fundraising events call/ text (323) 313-8562. E-mail or look for the "Anarchist Solidarity, Latin America" distro table and leave your donation there!

We will be at the Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair this 13 and 14th of March, stop by and leave your donations!

(A)mor y (A)cracia,


Monday, Mar 8, 2010 at 11:10 A.M.

Dear comrades,

The situation in this region called Chile is already known, thus we believe more details about the recent earthquake are not necessary, as the Internet offers a lot of information about what took place.

The group of individuals that make up the Productora de Comunicación Social* escaped physical damage, even though during the earthquake a couple of comrades from our organization were in Concepción, one of the most devastated regions - leaving the site where they were pretty much uninhabitable and losing some equipment used for the work of the organization.

In Santiago, our main workplace and where meetings were held, also home to a couple of our comrades - the Casa Volnitza - was partially destroyed. Currently, we are looking into repairing the site, since neither the Productora nor the Sociedad de Resistencia Santiago**, with whom we share the space, have another place to go to. Fortunately, we had no other substantial material losses, but the structural collapse that occurred in the Casa Volnitza was indeed major.

We have had constant contact with some organizations in southern Chile. The comrades that were near the epicenter were able to communicate directly with us about the help they need. There are social center and sister organizations in poblaciones, or working class neighborhoods, that were heavily damaged by the earthquake and also by actions taken by the police, the army, mass media and the government.

Given the circumstances, we are asking for help from our comrades from different parts of the world. Here in Santiago, businesses are up and running, so one can even buy food and basic items that are not reaching us via the government. We have already sent some help to the southern region with what we have here in Santiago, even though we too have been affected.

In our space, the Sociedad de Resistancia Santiago is helping to collect items to send to the most affected area where there are still no basic services, or wherever organizations are requesting help.

As the Productora we would like to request monetary support from all organizations that know our work and trust us. These contributions will be used to recover lost material and equipment, possible restorations or an alternative space and to send aid to the Southern organizations. Obviously no institutional channels work to help the direct work of anti-authoritarian organizations, so we reach out to you.

All persons or organizations interested in providing some sort of collaboration, contact us as quickly as possible at our e-mail:

See you soon.

Reconstructing the social movement,

Health, bread and freedom!

Productora de Comunicación Social.

Videorevista – Sin(a)psis***

"comunicando acción en la construcción del movimiento social"

Valparaíso - Santiago - Valdivia - Temuco - Antofagasta - Concepción – and beyond

Translator Note:

*The Productora de Comunicación Social, or Social Communication Production, are the production collectives that publish the Chilean video-magazine Sin(a)psis***, an independent publication in DVD format covering the praxis of anarchist organizing in that region and beyond. More info at:!/pages/Chile/SINAPSIS-la-video-revista/161436684301

**The Sociedad de Resistencia Santiago groups the working, the unemployed and students into anti-authoritarian initiatives to generate collective solutions for immediate needs, be they economic, social and/or cultural without leaving behind the purpose of collective liberation. More info at:

You can also donate to other autonomous, anarchist and radical community based organizations by emailing or clicking on the links below.

Fondo Alquimia

for the Comunidad Lésbica La Teta Insurgente (lesbian anarcho-feminists in Concepción)

Solo el Pueblo Ayuda al Pueblo- Campana de Solidaridad Popular

Only the People can help the People- Popular Solidarity Campaign

(a coalition of various organizations and individuals, including anti-authoritarians)

For news and updates in Spanish check out:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Support the Arpaio 5!

Say Hello to the Arpaio 5!

Claire Elizabeth, Gayrn Klasek, Issa Emadi, Jeremiah Henry, Grace Daniels

On January 16th, 2010, thousands of people took to the streets to show support for immigrants and to oppose Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. From the onset of the march, a group of marchers were targeted by the Phoenix PD, marching under the banner of an indigenous, anti-authoritarian, and allies contingent. As the march proceeded, the police became increasingly violent, leading to a final planned attack executed against the contingent and other protesters in the vicinity, as the march neared its end. Officers on horseback rode into the crowd, injuring some; then deploying large amounts of pepper spray throughout the area. This resulted in five of our comrades being kidnapped out of the group, brutalized and arrested. Although we are happy to announce that the charges against two of the arrestees have been scratched, the remaining three are now facing felony charges for “assaulting an officer”.

The Arpaio 5 Support Committee is a group of friends and supporters of the arrestees who have come together to help raise much needed awareness and legal funds.

What occurred on the 16th demonstrates the violence that becomes inevitable when armed thugs are invited or allowed to be present at our protests or in our community. While our first priority is to ensure that our comrades do not face any further jail time, we hope that this also serves as a general call for further actions challenging any and all police presence; which we know only serves to protect an inherently racist and oppressive system.

This attack is not in isolation, but rather is part of a systematic attempt to repress any ideas which are vocalized or acted upon that encourage or manifest actualized resistance within our communities. We must be ready to support those who are targeted for continuing to fight despite these threats during the current and upcoming struggle. By forming community solidarity in response to this instance of repression, we create a framework that provides a base for further organizing against the police state, while also making the statement that we will not allow state sanctioned intimidation to silence and divide our movement.

Please explore our site and check back for current information and articles, and ways you can lend support.

Uranium Mining Begins Near Grand Canyon

Also check out Outta Your Backpack Media's URANIUM PSA made in collaboration with Navajo Waters:

Uranium Mining Begins Near Grand Canyon
Thousands of Claims Threaten Public Health & Sacred Lands
By Klee Benally - Indigenous Action Media (

Grand Canyon, AZ -- In defiance of legal challenges and a U.S. Government moratorium, Canadian company Denison Mines has started mining uranium on the north rim of the Grand Canyon. According to the Arizona Daily Sun the mine has been operating since December 2009.

Denison plans on extracting 335 tons of uranium per day out of the "Arizona 1 Mine", which is set to operate four days per week. The hazardous ore will be hauled by truck more than 300 miles through towns and communities to the company's White Mesa mill located near Blanding, Utah.
After being pressured by environmental groups, U.S. Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar initially called for a two-year moratorium on new mining claims in a buffer zone of 1 million acres around Grand Canyon National Park, but the moratorium doesn't include existing claims such as Denison's. The moratorium also doesn't address mining claims outside of the buffer zone.
The Grand Canyon is ancestral homeland to the Havasupai and Hualapai Nations. Although both Indigenous Nations have banned uranium mining on their reservations the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management may permit thousands of mining claims on surrounding lands.

Due to recent increases in the price of uranium and the push for nuclear power nearly 8,000 new mining claims now threaten Northern Arizona. Uranium mined from the Southwestern U.S. is predominately purchased by countries such as France (Areva) & Korea for nuclear energy.

In July of 2009 members of the Havasupai Nation and their allies gathered for four days on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon at their sacred site Red Butte to address the renewed threat. Red Butte has long been endangered by the on-going threat of uranium mining.

Under an anachronistic 1872 mining law, created when pick axes and shovels were used, mining companies freely file claims on public lands. The law permits mining regardless of cultural impacts.


Currently there are 104 nuclear reactors in the United States which supply 20% of the U.S.'s electricity. In January the Obama administration approved a $54 billion dollar taxpayer loan in a guarantee program for new nuclear reactor construction, three times what Bush previously promised in 2005.
Since 2007, seventeen companies have now sought government approval for 26 more reactors with plans to complete four by 2018 and up to eight by 2020. New reactors are estimated to cost more than $12 billion each.
Although nuclear energy is hailed by some as a solution to the current U.S. energy crisis and global warming, those more closely impacted by uranium mining and transportation recognize the severity of the threat.


Uranium is a known cause of cancers, organ damage, miscarriages & birth defects.
Drilling for the radioactive material has been found to contaminate underground aquifers that drain into the Colorado River, and sacred springs that have sustained Indigenous Peoples in the region. In addition, surface water can flow into drill holes and mine shafts which can also poison underground water sources.

Emerging in the Rocky Mountains in North Central Colorado and winding 1,450 miles to the Gulf of California, the Colorado River is held sacred by more than 34 Indigenous Nations. The Colorado also provides drinking water for up to 27 million people in seven states throughout the Southwest.
The river that carves the Grand Canyon has been extensively used by the agricultural industry and cities that are dependent for drinking water, so much so that it now ceases to flow to the Gulf of California, forcing members of the Cocopah Nation (The People of the River) in Northern Mexico to abandon their homelands and relocate elsewhere.
Today there are more than 2,000 abandoned uranium mines in the Southwest. U.S. government agencies have done little or nothing to clean up contaminated sites and abandoned mines. At Rare Metals near Tuba City on the Diné (Navajo) Nation a layer of soil and rock is the only covering over 2.3 million tons of hazardous waste. A rock dam surrounds the radioactive waste to control runoff water that flows into nearby Moenkopi Wash. Throughout the Diné Nation, Diné families have been subject to decades of radioactive contamination ranging from unsafe mining conditions to living in houses built from uranium tailings. Well water is documented by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as undrinkable in at least 22 communities such as Black Falls on the Dine’ Nation. According to the EPA, "Approximately 30 percent of the Navajo population does not have access to a public drinking water system and may be using unregulated water sources with uranium contamination." Flocks of sheep and other livestock still graze among radioactive tailing piles and ingest radioactive water.

According to the Navajo Nation up to 2.5 million gallons of uranium contaminated water is leaching out of the Shiprock Uranium Mill near Shiprock, New Mexico into the San Juan River every year. At the Church Rock Mine in New Mexico, which is now attempting to re-open, up to 875,000 cubic yards of radioactive waste continue to contaminate the land.
In July 1979 a dirt dam breached on the Navajo Nation at a uranium processing plant releasing more than 1,100 tons of radioactive waste and nearly 100 million gallons of contaminated fluid into the Rio Puerco (which ultimately flows into the Colorado River) near Church Rock, NM. This was the single largest nuclear accident in US history. Thousands of Diné families that live in the region, including those forced to relocate from the Joint Use Area due to coal mining, continue to suffer health impacts resulting from the spill.

In 2005 the Diné Nation government banned uranium mining and processing within its borders due to uranium's harmful legacy of severe health impacts and poisoning of the environment. And yet, high cancer rates, birth defects and other health impacts still bear out the uranium industry's dangerous legacy.


Today the US has nearly 60,000 tons of highly radioactive spent nuclear waste stored in concrete dams at nuclear power plants throughout the country. The waste increases at a rate of 2,000 tons per year. Depleted Uranium (DU) is a byproduct of uranium enrichment and reprocessing which has controversial military uses including armor piercing projectiles. DU has been found to cause long-term health effects ranging from harming organs to causing miscarriages and birth defects.
In 1987 Congress initiated a controversial project to transport and store almost all of the U.S.'s toxic waste at Yucca Mountain located about 65 miles southwest of Las Vegas, Nevada. Yucca Mountain has been held holy to the Paiute and Western Shoshone Nations since time immemorial.

In February 2009 Obama met a campaign promise to cut funding for the multibillion dollar Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository project. The controversial project was initially proposed in 1987 with radioactive waste to be shipped from all over the U.S. via rails and highways. Currently a new proposal for an experimental method of extracting additional fuel from nuclear waste called "reprocessing" renews the threat to desecrate the sacred mountain on Western Shoshone lands.

Western Shoshone lands, which have never been ceeded to the U.S. government, have long been under attack by the military and nuclear industry. Between 1951 and 1992 more than 1,000 nuclear bombs have been detonated above and below the surface at an area called the Nevada Test Site on Western Shoshone lands which make it one of the most bombed nations on earth. Communities in areas around the test site faced exposure to radioactive fallout which has caused cancers, leukemia & other illnesses. Western Shoshone spiritual practitioner Corbin Harney, who has since passed on, helped initiate a grassroots effort to shutdown the test site and abolish nuclear weapons.

Indigenous Peoples in the Marshall Islands have also faced serious impacts due to U.S. nuclear testing. In her book, Conquest: Sexual Violence & American Indian Genocide, Andrea Smith reports that some Indigenous Peoples in the islands have all together stopped reproducing due to the severity of cancer and birth defects they have faced.


In March 1988 more than 8,000 people converged for massive 10 day direct action to "reclaim" the test site, nearly 3,000 people were arrested. Groups such as the Nevada Desert Experience (NDE) and Shundahai Network continue their work to shut down the test site and resist the corporate and military nuclear industry.

Throughout the 1980's a fierce movement of grassroots resistance and direct action against uranium mining near the Grand Canyon had taken shape, galvanized by the Havasupai, Hopi, Diné (Navajo), Hualapai tribes and a Flagstaff group, Canyon Under Siege. Prayerful and strategic meetings were held once a year throughout the 80s. In 1989 a group known as the 'Arizona 5' were charged for eco-actions including cutting power-lines to the Canyon Uranium Mine. Attributable in some part to the resistance and but mainly to a sharp drop in the price of uranium, companies like Dennison were forced to shut their mines down.

Mt. Taylor, located on Forest Service managed lands in New Mexico between Albuquerque and Gallup, has also faced the threat of uranium mining. The mountain sits upon one of the richest reservers of uranium ore in the country, it is held holy by the Diné, Acoma, Laguna, Zuni & Hopi Nations. In June 2009 Indigenous Nations and environmental groups unified to protect the holy Mountain and through their efforts Mt. Taylor was given temporary protection as a Traditional Cultural Property.

For 7 years Indigenous People from throughout the world have gathered to organize against the nuclear industry at the Southwest Indigenous Uranium Forum on the Acoma Nation.

At the 2006 Indigenous World Uranium Summit on the Diné Nation, community organizations such as Eastern Navajo Diné Against Uranium Mining (ENDAUM) joined participants from Australia, India, Africa, Pacific Islands, and throughout North America in issuing a declaration demanding "a worldwide ban on uranium mining, processing, enrichment, fuel use, and weapons testing and deployment, and nuclear waste dumping on native lands."

Klee Benally (Diné) is a collective member of Indigenous Action Media, on the Board of Directors of the Shundahai Network, and is a musician with the group Blackfire.

Author Mary Sojourner assisted editing this article.

For further information and action:

Southwest Research and Information Center

Shundahai Network

Nevada Desert Experience

The Center for Biological Diversity

Grand Canyon Trust

Uranium Watch

World Information Service on Energy: Uranium Project

Western Mining Action Network

Network Sortir du Nucléaire



Addressing Uranium Contamination in the Navajo Nation - Map of contaminated wells

Tuba City Mill Site

EPA summit addresses uranium cleanup

Conservation groups challenge uranium mining threat to Colorado River

A peril that dwelt among the Navajos - L.A. TImes - November 19, 2006

Uranium Mining & Milling

Colorado River Facts

Nuclear power inches back into energy spotlight

AREVA: France’s nuke power poster child has a money melt-down

Environmental Working Group - January 2008 - Report: Grand Canyon Threatened by Approval of Uranium Mining Activities

Shiprock Mill Site

Grand Canyon Trust

The Center for Biological Diversity

Las Vegas Review: Yucca Mountain seen as possible reprocessing site

Southwest Research and Information Center

Nuclear Free Future

Klee Benally - Independent Indigenous Media - Indigenous Youth Empowerment! - Protect Sacred Places - Flagstaff Infoshop
Skype: indigenousaction

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Day in the Life of Political Prisoner Jalil Muntaqim

A Day in the Life of Political Prisoner Jalil Muntaqim
February 26, 2010

Prisoner organizations at Auburn Correctional Facility in New York State had approval to hold an event in the auditorium for Black History Month. Two outside guests had been approved to attend, a professor from Syracuse and a professor from Cornel University. I was also approved to make a 20-minute presentation. This presentation was to be a capsule overview of the civil rights movement, its evolution into the black power movement, the power politics of the ballot and the ascent of Barack Obama to the presidency.

However, on February 26, I was called into the media center and brought to an office to speak with Superintendent Harold Graham. Superintendent Graham basically told me that, following his approval of me to make the presentation for Black History Month, the correctional officers’ union (New York State Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association—NYSCOPBA) waged a campaign by contacting local media and the central office in Albany to prevent me from making the presentation.

Supt. Graham stated that he had received a phone call from the Albany central office telling him that I could not make the presentation. Supt. Graham further stated he felt that they were wrong. He told the commissioner that I have been here nearly 10 years, except for my time in California, and that he has not ever had any problems with me.

However, central office in Albany stated that they could not take the heat from any media scrutiny as a result of the guards’ disapproval. So I have now been denied the opportunity to address the population for Black History Month. I thanked Supt. Graham for personally letting me know that I would not be able to make the presentation.

We can see from this level of animosity towards me by the NYSCOPBA that we need to double and triple the support base for my upcoming parole hearing in June.

Please sign the petition to Governor Paterson for Clemency/Commution of Sentence at the following url:

Dictated to Anne Lamb via telephone on 02/26/10

Free All Political Prisoners!

Yucca Mountain foes hail historic step to kill nuclear waste depository

Yucca Mountain foes hail historic step to kill nuclear waste depository

The Obama administration promised Monday it would withdraw the application to open a nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain.

By Lisa Mascaro (contact)

Thursday, March 4, 2010 | 2 a.m.

Related Document (.pdf)

Related stories

Washington — The moment that Nevadans had awaited for decades arrived in a flash.

There, popping up on computer screens in offices in Washington and Carson City, was the news that a slim, 15-page legal document had been filed, taking the biggest step yet — one in a series of giant leaps this year — in dashing long-running government plans for a nuclear waste dump in the desert 90 miles northwest of Las Vegas.

“The United States Department of Energy hereby moves ... to withdraw its pending license application for a permanent geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, Nev.,” reads the opening line.

And then this: “with prejudice.” Those key words would make it extremely difficult for Yucca Mountain to ever be considered again for a nuclear waste repository.

“Aside from my wife, this is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” Bruce Breslow, executive director of the Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects, which is fighting the dump, said in an e-mail flash moments after the filing was made public.

President Barack Obama is making good on the promise he made two years ago to Nevadans to end the Yucca repository plan. The nuclear waste dump project has been starved of funding ever since Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid rose to power. But Obama, at Reid’s urging, could direct the Energy Department to halt the process and look at ways to deal with spent but still lethally radioactive fuel rods.

The Obama administration also announced Wednesday the first meeting of the commission to investigate alternatives to a Yucca repository. The commission, headed by Washington veterans Lee Hamilton and Brent Scrowcroft, will begin its 18-month task this month.

The move is a sizable win for Reid, who has led the Nevada delegation in fighting the dump, as he heads into a difficult re-election campaign this fall.

For most officials in Washington and Carson City, news that the legal filing would be coming Wednesday was no secret.

The Obama administration promised as much when it announced Feb. 1 that its fiscal 2011 budget would zero out funding. At that time, the Energy Department said it would pull the license within 30 days. Most elected officials had been briefed on the status.

But as Wednesday morning became Wednesday afternoon, Breslow, at his office in Carson City, became glued to the computer. The clock ticked toward 5 p.m. EST, and as he watched the minutes count down, he wondered when the unbelievable would happen.

Finally, shortly after close of business, the news broke.

Breslow dashed off copies of the document to the governor’s office and his advisory board headed by former Sen. Richard Bryan, a longtime opponent of the dump.

He jumped on a conference call with lawyers to parse every word and plot strategy for the state’s response.

“We’re so busy working on making sure that we succeed on the legal challenges we haven’t even had time to stop and say congratulations to anybody,” Breslow said. “There’s no Champagne here.”

In Washington, Reid, who had been briefed on the pending news, was busy running the Senate. When the announcement came, he was meeting in his office with Nevada Republican Sen. John Ensign on other matters. The two sent out a joint release.

The move “marks the final stage of a battle that I’ve fought since arriving in Congress,” Reid said.

Ensign commended Obama administration officials “for holding up their end of the bargain.”

Democratic Rep. Shelley Berkley was deep in conversation with a constituent who had stopped by her office on an unrelated topic when the word came down.

Berkley, who has promised to lie down on railroad tracks to stop nuclear waste from being shipped to Nevada, said “Obama was 100 percent right to dump Yucca Mountain.

“President Obama pledged to Nevadans that he would end efforts to turn our state into a radioactive garbage dump, and now his blue-ribbon commission will begin its work to find an alternative,” she said.

Yet as is so often the case with Yucca Mountain, even this latest, landmark development does not spell the end of the long-sought project.

Several states and municipalities are suing the federal government, seeking to press on with the dump’s development. Some are asking the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s licensing board to allow them to intervene as parties to the deliberations.

Officials in South Carolina, Washington state and Georgia are seeking to reverse Obama’s decision, saying they want the nuclear waste that is being stored in their states to be shipped to Yucca Mountain as planned.

Plus, the powerful nuclear industry has not signaled its next move.

Democratic Rep. Dina Titus pledged to remain vigilant in fighting the dump. “While those who have their own interests in mind, not those of Nevada, will undoubtedly seek to slow down this process, we are well on our way to killing Yucca Mountain,” she said.

The commission’s licensing board will entertain these motions as it decides whether to grant the Energy Department’s request to withdraw the license. Hearings could be convened.

The parties can appeal the board’s decision to the full commission, which is headed by Gregory Jaczko, a former Reid staffer. The commission’s decisions can be further appealed in federal court.

Breslow said the Champagne is in the ice bucket, moving closer to the counter for uncorking. “When it’s finally done, I’ll let out something you can hear all the way there,” he said. “But not yet.”

Klee Benally - Independent Indigenous Media - Indigenous Youth Empowerment! - Protect Sacred Places - Flagstaff Infoshop
Skype: indigenousaction

WarClub NYM - Warrior Music


Snatch the Mic

Riot Stage

Monday, March 1, 2010

I have to say it was a Good Day

California Highway Patrol Motorcycle Pig Gets hit by a Truck


"And I didn't have to use my AK, I have to say it was a Good Day"

Figueroa and 30th

