Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Anarchist Book Project
if people can help contact Nathan.
A call for submissions to my fellow Anarchists,
Arash Karimi and I are working on an anarchist book project. This is a call for submissions as roughly half the book is going to be dedicated to essays written by comrades like yourself. If you would like to submit something or if you know of anyone who would be interested in this project, please get in touch. There really isn't going to be any hard submissions guidelines. Just make sure the essay is relevant to anarchism and get your essay (at least a first draft, but specify that it is a first draft) to us by January 2010. Length isn't really an issue and the topic could be virtually anything. The IWW, Emma Goldman, Solidarity, Education, Anarchism Vs. _________, Contemporary anarchism, Tactics, Workers self-management, or Permaculture, are just a few example topics. I won’t guarantee that your contribution will be accepted (we will be using collective decision making in the essay acceptance process) but I will insure that your name is given credit in the book. Probably in some sort of special thanks page. So, if you are interested or you know of anyone who might be, please get in touch with us. Also if you happen to visit the Facebook page and you see that someone has said they are going to write an essay with your topic or a very similar one already, don't worry about it. there is no guarantee that they will even actually send us that essay and if if they do, there is no guarantee that you can't do better than them. Also, we might accept two or more essays that cover any single topic. If your essay does not get into the book, Arash and I have been talking about starting a journal/magazine about anarchism after the book takes off. With your permission we might want to use your essay for that project if it does not get accepted. The journal is still in the hypothetical stage so we can't even guarantee entry into that project but I think if the book is successful, there would be little to no reason not to green light that project.
Also, if you have any experience with book publishing, marketing or promotion please get in touch with us. really if you have ANY advice we would greatly appreciate it.
Here are some links so you can get in touch with us and also be updated with the project,
Anarchist book project page (recommended):
Arash’s Facebook Page:
My Facebook page:
Arash’s Myspace Page:
My Myspace Page:
Beyond Revolution:
If I've sent this message to you before or if you are not an anarchist or do not wish to contribute, I do apologize for bothering you. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Peace and Solidarity,
Nathan Revercomb (Beyond Revolution)
Reply to "Crtical Analysis of the Left" from Jose Palafox
--Fugazi (1990)
Comrade Joaquin,
Revolutionary Greetings! I think the questions, analysis, and critiques
you put forward here are complex and yet very necessary for all of us to
grapple with. Thank you for starting this important conversation.
I wish I had more time to respond here. I don't. However, I do think it’s
important to make two quick points here.
The first thing that struck me in your piece is the discursive position in
the essay. The essay uses very vague and broad terminology (e.g., "the
Left today", "the movement", "the people" etc.) This assumes that you
think everyone understands and/or agrees with your conceptualization of
this terminology. Personally, I prefer to make my points from the specific
to the general, that is to say, inductive thinking (as opposed to
deductive thinking, from the general to the specific).
For example, if you are discussing and analyzing the role of "Left"
praxis--the theory that is informed by their social practice--why not tell
us exactly what you mean: Who are they? Where are they (geographically
speaking)? What are their "political line(s)"? Are they Maoist? Are they
liberal-pragmatists ? When are these social movements taking place (the
particular historical juncture)? And finally, Why? Why are they "Left" (or
what makes them “Left”) and more importantly, who decides? Do you decide,
or is it a particular historical-material ist understanding that leads you
to that conclusion, and if so, what is it?
Tell us homie.
Secondly, I think I found myself disagreeing more not with what was said,
but with what wasn't. Many of us can deconstruct the shit out of anything.
The point however, as Marx reminds us, is to go beyond interpreting the
world and to instead change it. For that, I think we need to un-think,
rethink, and re-imagine new vision(s) of the society and world we wish to
live in. To put into practice a new cosmology/epistemol ogy that goes
beyond dichotomous thinking (e.g., "Left" and "Right"). To reflect on how
we will build a world in which many worlds fit in, as our compas south of
la frontera falsa remind us all the time.
The few times I have heard you speak, I heard you address the problems you
come up against in your community and some possible solutions for us to
think/act upon. I wish we could have engaged more with the ways in which
you come to understand your praxis: How? Why? What? etc. (I think its
important to speak from the "Where", i.e., from what positionality) . One
of the reasons that I suggest this is because different socio-political
groups--from the liberal Democratic Socialist of America, the N.P.I.
Complex, to the cult-group, the Revolutionary Communist Party--will and do
continue to put forth their programs. The question is what are we--in our
colectivas, in our barrios and migrant camps, in our university student
groups--doing and are willing to do?
In one of her critiques of the Civil Rights Movement, the late Ella Baker
said: "There is a lot of mobilizing but not enough organizing". I think
she was trying to warn us of not always focusing the CRMs' political work
on the spectacle: the marches, the speeches to the press, the one-day
protests. Ella Baker saw the need for these tactics and strategies,
however, she also saw the importance of the slow, tedious, and long-term
organizing with and for black folks' struggle for Civil Rights. This meant
having a political sensibility of how to work with and learn from the
specific communities (e.g., Birmingham, AL. etc.) while also keeping in
mind the particular historical juncture they were in.
The disasters of the 20th century cry out for non-eurocentric and
decolonial thinking/being. Can we produce a radical anti-capitalist
politics, and if so what might that look like? Is it possible to
articulate a critical cosmopolitanism beyond nationalism and colonialism?
Can we produce knowledges beyond essentialist and narrow-nationalism and
eurocentric fundamentalisms? I think about this a lot lately. Hope to talk
in person about this with you sometime soon. Un abrazo.
palante, Jose Palafox
Rapper Gets 2 Years for Cop-Killing Song
by Jeff Douglas / cwla Tuesday August 11, 2009
A Florida rapper is sentenced to two years in prison for a song called ‘Kill Me a Cop’ that he produced as a teenager.
rapper-cop-song.jpg |
Authorities say 20-year-old Antavio Johnson raps about killing two Lakeland, Fla., police officers in the tune, which cops found on MySpace while surfing for gang-related activity.
Johnson pleaded no contest to two counts of corruption by threat of a public servant and was sentenced to two years in prison last month. He was already in jail on a cocaine charge at the time. …
Singing about killing a cop was not Johnson’s first mistake. Pleading guilty and not hiring a lawyer were. Just ask Ice Cube and N.W.A., who sang ‘%#@* tha Police’ as a form of police protest more than 20 years ago.
Back in 1988, N.W.A had everyone from the FBI to the Secret Service breathing down its neck and lawsuits galore. If someone could have figured out a way to charge the group with a crime, lock ‘em up and throw away the key, I’m sure it would’ve happened.
According to the Daily Beast, Johnson was trying to make a similar lyrical protest when he wrote ‘Kill Me a Cop,’ about two police officers who harassed him.
The song announced: “Im’ma kill me a cop one day.” It called out two specific officers by name, both of whom would be shot with a “glock” in the “dome” if they ever “get my timing wrong.” The best part is not the snappy lyrics. If you Google this kid’s name, you’ll see that he’s a self-proclaimed Christian rapper.
Anyway, did Johnson deserve a two-year sentence for some stupid lyrics he wrote as a teenager? No, of course not.
Should we be surprised that a judge would hand down such a harsh sentence? No. Not at all. To quote professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.: “This is what happens to black men in America!”
After all, there’s some real irony here. This case is not about free speech and it’s not about a legitimate threat to a police officer’s life. It’s about Johnson and the N.W.A. and Gates and countless others who have been complaining about an unfair justice system for decades. At the root of this system is institutionalized police harassment of black people.
But wait a minute, you say. Shouldn’t Johnson get some punishment for making a specific threat at these cops? Yes. If you threaten a cop, there should be consequences. But two years in jail for a song that was never played on the radio? This sounds like more injustice and harassment to me.
Did we accuse John McCain of war crimes for singing “bomb, bomb Iran?”
It’s not about a crime, it’s about the authority and attempts to silence protest. And until something changes, people like Johnson will be rapping and singing about police harassment for decades to come.
The good news is this young man has a lawyer now and the ACLU at his back. He could get his sentence knocked down or thrown out in an appeal.
I posted the song below. Hope I don’t get arrested for it.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Critical Analysis of the Left
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
El Yaqui, la Rarámuri, el Triqui, el Binnizá, la Wixárika, el Tenek , la Nahua, el Purhépecha, el Ñha Ñhu, la Mazahua, la Coca, el Amuzgo, el Tlapaneco, el Mixteco, el Cuicateco, unimos nuestras voces, pensamientos y corazones en esta Asamblea Nacional del Congreso Nacional Indígena bajo el resguardo de nuestra madre tierra en este lugar y territorio recuperado de los y las hermanas nahuas de la costa de Michoacán, para decir a los indígenas de México y del mundo y a la sociedad civil nacional e internacional nuestra palabra:
Que el capitalismo mundial y neoliberalismo, bajo distintos ropajes, en distintos momentos de nuestra historia, desde los inicios de la denominada colonización, cuando los frailes y obispos de la inquisición torturaran e incineraran el vivo testimonio y pensamiento de nuestros pueblos hasta hoy cuando empresas transnacionales, programas gubernamentales, partidos políticos, religiones diversas, continúan incesantes con la destrucción y despojo de nuestros pueblos; este capitalismo se comporta ahora con la mayor saña que no se haya visto en la historia en una empecinada voracidad por nuestros recursos, agua, viento, vidas, tierras y territorios, no lo toleraremos, consideramos que al igual que en 1994, esta asamblea encuentra este momento como una situación de emergencia para nuestros pueblos, un momento para seguir diciendo ¡¡ basta¡¡ .
Hoy como ayer, nuestros pueblos, naciones, tribus y comunidades enfrentamos en todo el continente la violencia sistemática, traducida en despojos, desalojos, asesinatos, cárceles, desaparecidos, exiliados y represión; esta situación no puede continuar, nuestros pueblos no estamos dispuestos a seguir sintiendo la zozobra, la desesperación, el desgaste y a veces el terror propiciado por el Estado y todo esto que ha implicado hasta ahora la defensa y existencia de nuestros pueblos. Exigimos la libertad inmediata e incondicional de los 12 presos políticos de Atenco, los 5 presos políticos de Candelaria Campeche demandados por la CFE, así como la libertad inmediata e incondicional de todos y todas las presos políticos indígenas y no indígenas del país, alto al hostigamiento, amenazas y ordenes de aprehensión contra los dirigentes de las comunidades, pueblos naciones, tribus y organizaciones sociales del país. Exigimos al gobierno federal y al del estado de Oaxaca poner fin a la persecución desatada en contra del Consejo Indígena y Popular de Oaxaca-Ricardo Flores Magón y en contra del hermano Miguel Cruz Moreno, así como la cancelación de la orden de aprehensión que existe en contra del último al ser involucrado dolosamente en el caso Brad Will. Exigimos el respeto irrestricto a las radios indígenas comunitarias que actualmente operan en el país y el inmediato cese de los operativos gubernamentales encaminados a su desmantelamiento.
Para nosotros la resistencia es la otra política, es el fortalecimiento de la comunalidad, de la autonomía de la integración del pensamiento y del sentimiento de identidad de nuestro ser indígena, es nuestra alternativa histórica, es el camino que nos queda, es resultado de nuestra historia, siempre resistir es conservarnos, cuidarnos, permaneciendo, hablando nuestras lenguas, cuidando a nuestros hijos, nuestros maíces, cuidando nuestra manera de enseñar, nuestra manera de cuidar nuestra madre tierra, esa es la otra política que ahora juntos mexicanos y mexicanas indígenas y no indígenas honestas debemos buscar para que permanezca el ser y el espíritu de nuestros pueblos .
Nuestro modo de cómo somos en la comunidad es otro gobierno también donde hay mucho que aprender mucho que retomar y practicar, para nuestro Congreso Nacional Indígena, la Casa de todos los pueblos indios de México, reiteramos nuestra práctica y principios como los principios que deben orientar esa otra nueva política anticapitalista de todos los mexicanos desde abajo y a la izquierda:
1. Obedecer y no mandar
2. Bajar y no subir
3. Representar y no suplantar
4. Proponer y no imponer
5. Convencer y no vencer
6. Construir y no destruir
7. Servir y no servirse.
Defender el territorio es defender el pueblo.
La autodefensa de nuestros pueblos es un modo de organización y acción que estamos buscando y ejerciendo como un paso necesario para defender y proteger nuestra autonomía, nuestra vida, nuestros pueblos, naciones, comunidades, tribus y barrios. Nuestra autodefensa no está sujeta a ningún tipo de negociación inter o para gubernamental, es un recurso de vida para lograr un buen vivir en equilibrio en nuestras comunidades ante el resquebrajamiento y corrupción del entorno y de las instancias irresponsables de la seguridad estatal, nacional e internacional. Nuestra autodefensa es un buen gobierno por nosotros mismos nombrado, reconocido y respetado en el ejercicio de nuestro derecho a la libre determinación como pueblos que somos.
Ostula, Coire y Pomaro, tres comunidades del pueblo nahua de la costa de Michoacán han sido durante estos días la casa y ejemplo de autonomía de nuestro Congreso Nacional Indígena, vemos como pueblos que somos en ellos un ejemplo que debe mantener la fuerza que da la comunidad. Los pueblos indígenas del país participantes en el Congreso Nacional Indígena expresamos nuestra solidaridad y apoyo incondicional en este proceso y lucha por su autonomía como pueblo.
Exigimos a los gobiernos estatal de Michoacán y federal el respeto y las garantías necesarias para el funcionamiento de la policía comunitaria tradicional del pueblo indígena nahua de la Costa de Michoacán y su guardia comunal que resguarda el territorio y las vidas de las comunidades de dicho pueblo. Los participantes en esta asamblea nos pronunciamos en contra de cualquier operativo e incursión policiaca, militar o paramilitar en el territorio y comunidades de los pueblos de la costa sierra nahua de Michoacán.
Hacemos un llamado a todas y todos los hermanos de la Otra Campaña Nacional e Internacional y a la sociedad civil nacional e internacional a estar atentos a los procesos y luchas contra el neoliberalismo que los pueblos indígenas en todo el país estamos implementando. En esta ocasión los pueblos y participantes en esta Asamblea rechazamos el proyecto carretero Coahuayana Lázaro Cárdenas, así como el Plan Regional de Desarrollo Turístico Integral para la Costa de Michoacán, impulsado por los gobiernos federal y estatal y empresas transnacionales.
‘Antes como Antes ahora como ahora’
Reunidos en Xayakalan
Tribu YaquiPueblo NahuaPueblo Ñha ÑhuPueblo Purhèpecha
Pueblo BinnizáPueblo TriquiPueblo AmuzgoPueblo Coca
Pueblo MixtecoPueblo TlapanecoPueblo WixárikaPueblo Cuicateco
Pueblo Mazahua
Dado en Xayakalan, Ostula, Michoacán a 9 de agosto de 2009.
Free Cristian Cancino! Libertad para Cristian Cancino! (Llamado de solidaridad/Call for solidarity)
Carta de Cristian Cancino desde penal Santiago 1
Keridos kompas
Esta carta es principalmente para agradecer todo el apoyo que me han dado, en esta situación tan difícil para mí. Desde aki, de esta celda, hago un llamado a ke continúen denunciando el atropello de la prensa burguesa, de la policía y todo el aparato del estado, con sus montajes y persecuciones en kontra de nosotrxs, por el hecho de Okupar espacios, solidarizar con los presos y luchar por nuestra idea de libertad.
En kuanto a mí, en el penal santiago 1, he sido recibido de buena manera por los demás internos, sigo en la espera de que se esclarezcan los hechos, y se termine esta mentira, aki he conocido todo el mal que hacen las karceles de los rikos, a nosotrxs, los pobres, los maltratos, golpes e insultos de parte de los cerdos gendarme.Your browser may not support display of this image.
Hay presos con problemas mentales, ke estando en este lugar terminan deteriorando mas su mente. Acá hay muchas personas recluidas por ser pobres, y han sido acusados de delitos que no han cometido, en algunos casos les han aumentando los cargos injustamente con mentiras, pero esto krea mucho más odio a este sistema karcelario que sin duda hay ke abolirlo.
Me despido de todos y todas, esperando ke este kamino de lucha kontinue, ke el miedo, los montajes y mentiras no nos paralicen, por el kontrario seguir adelante con mas fuerza, frente a todo lo ke pueda venir.
Un fuerte abrazo para kienes apoyan y solidarizan en cada actividad y manifestación Por mi libertad y la de todos los presxs.
Cristian Cancino Carrasco Sgto. 27 de junio 2009
English Translation
Cristián Cancino’s letter from Santiago 1 State Prison. Dear comrades,
This letter is principally in appreciation for all of the support that you´ve given me, in this so difficult situation for me. From here, from this cell, I make a call out to continue denouncing the violation of the bourgeois press, of the police and the whole device of the State, with their setups and persecutions against us, for the act of occupying spaces, solidarity with the prisoners and fighting for our ideas of freedom.
As for me, in the Santiago 1 State Prison, I´ve been received well by other inmates, I continue to wait for them to clarify the facts, and for the end to this lie, here I´ve seen all of the evil that goes on in the prisons of the rich, to us, the poor, the mistreatments, blows and insults from the pig policeman.
There are prisoners with mental problems, that being in this place they end up deteriorating their mind more. Here there are many people imprisoned for being poor, and they have been accused of crimes that they haven’t committed, in some cases they are increasing the charges unjustly with lies, but this creates much more hatred towards this prison system and, undoubtedly, it´s necessary to abolish it.Your browser may not support display of this image.
I say goodbye to all of you, hoping that this way of fight continues, that the fear, the set-ups and lies don´t paralyze us, on the contrary, continuing forward with more force, to face everything that may come.
A strong hug for all who support and are in solidarity in every activity and manifestation for my freedom and for all the prisoners.
No more government setups!!!
Prisoners to the street!!!
From the center of extermination, SANTIAGO 1 MODULO 35.
(Translation of Cristián Cancino’s letter from spanish to english
by Ricardo Mancilla, Chili).
Subject: desde la okupa la idea ($hile) Llamado de solidaridad internacional para Cristian Cancino !!!
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 00:06:03 +0000
Hacemos un llamado de solidaridad internacional para nuestro compañero Cristian
Cancino, quien este miércoles 24 de junio será formalizado bajo la ley antiterrorista, siendo este el primer caso en Santiago de Chile .A nuestro compañero aparte de ser acusado de porte y tenencia ilegal de material para la fabricación de explosivos, también se le quiere adjudicar la colocación de un artefacto explosivo fuera de una farmacia el 27 de marzo pasado.
Llamamos a solidarizar con nuestro compañero manifestándose fuera de la embajada de Chile en cualquier parte del mundo, colapsando líneas telefónicas, fax, como así también apoyamos la acción directa por quien / es la tomen en sus manos.
Exigimos su libertad, dejando al descubierto el montaje policial y mediático que esta llevando acabo el estado chileno de la mano de la prensa del capital.
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Cristian Cancino a la calle!!!
C. social okupado " LA IDE(A) ".
Call for international solidarity with Cristian Cancino. Wednesday morning finalized under the State anti-terrorism law (traduccion)
C. Social squatted "The Ide (A)" /, at war
Tuesday June 23 2009 by.
We call for international solidarity for our comrade Cristian Cancino, who on Wednesday June 24 will be charged under the terrorism law, which is the first case in Santiago de Chile. Our comrade, besides being charged with illegal possession and carrying of material for the manufacture of explosives, is also being charged with the placement of an explosive device outside a pharmacy last March 27th.
We make a call to solidarity with our comrade demonstrating outside the Embassy of Chile in any part of the world, collapsing telephone, fax, and also we support direct action for whom/is taking it in their own hands. Your browser may not support display of this image.
We demand their freedom leaving uncovered police and media framing that is leading the state out of the hands of the Chilean press of the capital.
Cristian Cancino the street!
C. Social squatted "The Ide (A).
Support Atack
The deadlines imposed by the Government to meet: Someone has to fall.
Last December 31 when three squats were raided looking for a guy who had stabbed his girlfriend, seizing computers and other items made it clear that the least interest to the police was finding the aggressor. The year 2009 was anticipated as a tough year, where without doubt they were going to be busting squats, coming from the mouth of the government itself, through the then Minister (s) of the Interior, Patricio Rosende, are interviewed to ensure that the national tax Chahuán Sabas, to demand to be put deadlines for results. According to El Mercurio that January 17, Rosende allegedly said: "A couple of months." Said and done. Among the houses raided that December 31 was "The Idea", which was not found nothing "suspicious" but many things were confiscated. Since that time it was understood that the house would be under constant surveillance, any matter that could logically lead to make this place a sort of central storage and distribution of elements in the manufacture of explosives became quite laughable as police acknowledged the same thoroughness and security measures that the authors of the direct action taken. Your browser may not support display of this image.
They had suspected but had no evidence. It’s to say, they had nothing. The term is beginning to fulfill itself. Then happened what happened a month ago, the tragic death of Punkie Maury. According to police, was being investigated. According to police lived in the house "the Idea", a fact completely untrue. Perhaps this will catch our attention as if he was investigated because no one understands that busted squat. Maybe the police there managed to cross data with names and imagination: a piece found in a pay settlement of a person who worked at a company subcontracted to a mining company. His name was Cristian Cancino. There was the opportunity. Mining = black powder. Unlike 2006, when the raids consisted of talks of "manufactured molotovs" a reason that in that context was the most commonly used tool, the series of bombings in which black powder was used, to find this became necessary. Not enough "expertise chemicals" as a cop stated at the beginning. Homemade black powder involves too many components that are found anywhere, and other crude invention would not be very useful. Cristian Cancino was "unlucky" to work where the police needed someone to work. The data thus could be crossed. (What happened in that raid read it here)
Despite that he was charged with possession of explosives (he slept with them according to police under his mattress was found 474.1 grams of black powder. But he was released. It took a few days to overturn the decision and when this was not delivered to further complicate their situation, being in Rondizzoni in front of the courts, waiting for his lawyers (read what happened and reported the false recapture), arrives and kidnaps the PDI. The press said " recapture the "squatter" that had gunpowder in his bedroom. "The release said:" We received an order from the 8th Juzgado Assurance and relocate to stop him. Police work allowed us to locate the suspect in the Rondizzoni sector, "said the head of the BIPE, deputy Adolfo Rocco. A “fugitive” recaptured in front of the courts… curious .... consistent with what the comrades at la Idea related had occurred. Your browser may not support display of this image.
Now, almost by magic, the prosecutors were decreed to give a signal. Who? The big businesses that order the precious and non-alteration of anything that might expose the vulnerability of the institutions that protect their interests. Thus, in an election year, and the logical necessity of applying a few million to fund campaigns, the government decided to comply with the law to capital: implement anti terrorist law. But how? Is not that "supplier"? Another strange fact. According to the spokesman for the prosecutor East Mario Schilling, the couple was also investigated!. A strange case was that when Cristian was in the first drawing, is only formally illegal possession of explosives. He was released and revoked freedom. The Canadian returned to June 9. During that time, a magical way, the research that he, a mutual dramatically: now he would be the author of the installation of an explosive device in units of the Green Cross pharmacy in Alcantara with Columbus Avenue, Las Condes, last March 26th.
Pick: Mario Schilling said he was under investigation. The accusation of participating in an attack on March 26 comes from ... where? An investigation that they bring after he is captured? From where do they get these new piece of information for the new charges? We talked from March to late May there was no arrest warrant or anything. In a few weeks magically supposed that such investigations take time, give the result needed by the prosecution. The 20 days were sufficient to charge him jailed while the investigation of months did not incriminate or even detain a person for the direct action in march. This accusation comes in the last few days, or when it was first being charged by the pigs of the prosecution source that threw in one more charge.
Has the witch hunt ever caught a witch?
In an interview today in "El Mercurio" seems to be an attempt to close the topic bombings. " This is closely related to the title of this reflection (the media demanded compliance with deadlines in early years), trying to prove that it yes works correctly, the pigs prosecution source cops justify their pay and try to exhibit that power "always wins." But oh, surprise. Today in an interview shown to the Assistant Secretary of the Interior reported happily that the technical administration of the model could have been at peace before this "unpleasant" problem being added to the struggles that are more frequent and diverse sectors of the proletariat. Assured that with this had already given "finally" with those responsible. But the interview was 21 in the afternoon, not expecting that night clashed with the reality. Your browser may not support display of this image.
Journalist: Behind the "squatters" and stopped bombing. ¿Case clarified?
Rosende Patricio, Assistant Secretary of the Interior: "Yes, we had a very noticeable decrease in these events. This tells us that he had a good direction. The police investigations, the capture and death of some people hit the nail on who was placing explosives in different places. We are facing a very marginal group, very refractory in society, but the police work that had been doing was the right path. The death of Mauricio Morales Duarte reflects that research was correct and that these anarchists have no limits, not only against society, but have no limits for themselves. "
The Mercury June 22, C Body
Unlike the "good police work order" which suggests a way of legitimizing Rosende whoever they feel like in jail, luckily for the capital, an explosive failed to explode in front of the Edwards-City Bank of Apumanque
Apparently the house of the witches did not give the results that they had expected until the investigation that gave the nail on the head "is in jail in one of the perpetrators of the bombings, as well as supplier of gunpowder, and watched curiously squat houses ... with all this surveillance, warning of a guard (not intelligence police) prevented the explosion of the rotten place of legal robbery. The best response to the State is to continue on the offensive, to completely bare the power in the ineffectiveness and vulnerability to desperately try to shit on anybody.
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--- El lun 20-jul-09, Freddy y Marcelo Libres
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De: Freddy y Marcelo Libres
Asunto: Manifestacion a la casa de Neuquen este jueves.
Fecha: lunes, 20 de julio de 2009, 5:07 pmEl martes 14 de julio pasado, tras una visita a los compañerxs anticapitalistas Freddy Fuentevilla y Marcelo Villarroel, prisioneros del Estado argentino en el penal Nº 11 de Neuquen, fueron detenidxs cuatro compañerxs (de Chile, Francia y Argentina) amenazadxs y torturadxs por personal de la comisaría Nº 20 de dicha provincia.
Sometidxs a un intenso interrogatorio, debiendo soportar insultos racistas y amenazas de fusilamiento y de violacion en el caso de los compañeras, hasta que por fin lxs dejaron partir, no sin antes advertirles que no volvieran a visitar a los presos o lxs fusilarian. La hostilidad de los carceleros y la policia no termino alli, y en los dias posteriores otrxs compañerxs solidarixs recibieron en sus barrios amenazas de muerte y demas intimidaciones.
Sabemos que lo que los sirvientes del Estado y el capital persiguen con este accionar es frenar la creciente solidaridad con los compañeros Marcelo y Freddy, solidaridad que no entiende de fronteras ni de conveniencias politicas. No vemos este hecho como una situacion aislada de lo que hoy se vive en esa provincia, sino que por el contrario es la continuidad de una politica de terror y represion, que tiene en su historia el fusilamiento a manos de gendarmeria del docente Carlos Fuentealba, bajo el gobierno de Sobisch, y que hoy continua, bajo el mando de Sarpag, dirigentes verdugos del mismo partido (MPN).
Entendiendo ademas que lo que se vive en la provincia de Neuquen es lo mismo que se padece en toda la Argentina, con cientos de asesinadxs desde el restablecimiento de la Democracia, con la desaparicion de Luciano Arruga y de tantxs otrxs, con las carceles atestadas de presxs sometidos a las constantes vejaciones de los guardianes de turno. Aun mas, sabemos que todo Estado necesita de la violencia para mantener su existencia, y que toda disidencia real sera reprimida y castigada. Sin animos de victimismo, y atentos la guerra social en la cual nos toca actuar, solidarizando con los compañeros amenazados y torturados, extendiendo el pedido de Freddy y Marcelo, por su no expulsion a Chile y el refugio politico en la Argentina, convocamos el jueves 23 de julio a las 18 hs a la casa de Neuquén, Maipú 48, Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Your browser may not support display of this image.
Más información: http://freddymarcelo.entod
Your browser may not support display of this image. Atentado explosivo contra consulado $hileno en Grecia
El grupo anarquistas “Conspiración de las Células del Fuego” se responsabilizó del atentado con un artefacto explosivo contra el consulado de Chile en la ciudad griega de Tesalónica, el pasado miércoles 22 de Julio.
A través de un comunicado difundido por internet, el grupo, se refiere a las luchas llevadas a cabo en Latina América y justifican el atentado “como un gesto de honor mínimo… en memoria del compañero Mauricio Morales”.
El pasado miércoles, el grupo “Conspiración de las Células del Fuego” realizo un llamado de advertencia a un cuartel de la policía con 20 minutos de anticipación y avisando sobre una bomba colocada en el consulado.
Funcionarios expertos en explosivos desactivaron el artefacto casero compuesto por un tubo metálico relleno de explosivos y un sistema de relojería colocado en la puerta de las oficinas del consulado en un octavo piso.
En el comunicado advierten de futuros atentados incluso contra “los policías que están fuera de turno” y declaran que “ahora cambian las condiciones de la batalla y muy pronto se darán cuenta de ello”. También explican que en el atentado avisaron a la policía para darles tiempo para “evitar víctimas”.
Sin embargo, alertan que conocen “la técnica de llamadas a horas engañosas respecto a la explosión” donde la policía puede ser el próximo objetivo de ataque.
La “Conspiración de las Células del Fuego” fue responsable hace una semana de una explosión en las afueras de la residencia del almirante retirado Panos Jinofotis, ex ministro del interior, en Atenas, que causó sólo daños materiales.
También son responsables de atentados con bombas contra 2 comisarías en construcción en Atenas y Tesalónica, en Mayo pasado. Dicho atentado fue en memoria de Zoe (Your browser may not support display of this image. compañera anarquista que resulto muerta al manipular un artefacto explosivo en Francia) y Mauricio Morales.
A esto se suma también el ataque con bombas molotov contra una sucursal de Eurobank reivindicado por el “Comando Mauricio Morales Duarte. Chile 22-5-09″.
En tanto, el Gobierno pidió información a través de la embajada de Chile en Grecia, respecto a estos atentados pero con una completa discreción sobre el tema.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Urgente: Muere Comunero Mapuche en Toma de Fundo
A tempranas horas de hoy miércoles 12 de agosto, un grupo aproximado de 80
comuneros, pertenecientes a la Comunidad Mapuche Rayén Pillán, ocupó el
Fundo San Sebastián. El empresario Sergio Gonzalez Jarpa, quien figura como
“propietario” del Fundo, reclamó la inmediata intervención de la policía
militarizada chilena, quienes raudos obtuvieron la orden judicial y
procedieron al operativo de desalojo con el apoyo de personal del GOPE.
Los hechos, en los que resultó asesinado el COmunero Mapuche, habrían
ocurrido alrededor de las 15 hrs., en el Fundo que se encuentra ubicado en
el límite de las comunas de Angol y Collipulli, en el sector conocido como
Bajo Malleco, cuando personal policial de Fuerzas « Especiales » de la
policía militarizada chilena (dotación Santiago) procedía al desalojo, con
la habitual violencia que emplean en el Territorio Mapuche.
El Weichafe asesinado, del que se desconoce aun su identidad, habría
recibido un proyectil 9mm en su costado, disparado casi a quemarropa por el
funcionario, un Cabo o Cabo Primero, que se encuentra entregando su versión
al Fiscal Militar en el lugar, para luego ser « evacuado de la zona, por su
seguridad »declaró el jefe policial. Por su parte el gobierno, los
tribunales, la fiscalía militar y las policías afinan la que será la versión
oficial sobre lo ocurrido. Según información que se ha podido filtrar, la
policía prepara la « tesis » de la « legitima defensa », argumento utilizado
ya en otras oportunidades para encubrir la responsabilidad directa de los
funcionarios policiales involucrados en estos hechos criminales. En el
"operativo" de desalojo habrían resultado detenidas 8 personas, de las que
se desconoce su suerte, si están lesionados y cual será su suerte o si serán
víctimas de un nuevo montaje político-mediático-judicia
tiene habituados el Estado de Chile. (NOTICIA EN DESARROLLO...)
Friday, August 14, 2009
X-Vandals are currently booking for their 2009 fall/winter College tour
X-Vandals are currently booking for their 2009 fall/winter College tour.
MC Not4Prophet of Ricanstruction and DJ Johnny Juice of Public Enemy are X-Vandals, and together they have rican-structed a truly incendiary and incite-full, dangerous and danceable, modern-day militant music made and played to move the Masses and mould minds..
Raised in the uptown slums of New York City, these two neo-school NuYoRicans now known collectively as X-Vandals have re-fashioned and fused all the fire, fury, filth and funk of the ghetto/barrio streets of their upbringing, with the creative calle cultures currently called hardcore Hip Hop and punk rock to spawn a brand new breed of rebel music for the underground and the under class.
The emcee/singer/graffiti writer/agitator known as Not4Prophet was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico and came up on the streets of East Harlem and the South bronx, NYC. As a teen-ager he was homeless, and (then) a squatter, He went on to form(ulate) and front the underground anti-corporate political punk/hip hop/salsa/reggae fusion band known as RICANSTRUCTION, that ipropaganda magazine refered to as "the most dangerous band in the underground", Bad Azz Mofo magazine called "the official soundtrack for the revolution that's coming", and Frontera magazine called "a political timebomb", and later founded the art and agitation collective called RICANSTRUCTION NETWERK that has over the years organized and mobilized political rallys, demonstrations, benefits and fundraisers in support of worthy (and varied) political causes throughout the US, Latin America and other barrios, favelas, and ghettos around the world.
Johnny Juice was raised in the Bronx, NYC, and witnessed the birth of Hip Hop right on his doorstep. The boogie down bred Turntableist/B-Boy/Graffiti writer/producer, first displayed his break dancing skills at the age of 14 in the mid '80s classic Hip Hop film Beat Street, and by the time he was 16 he was working with the iconic instigators, Public Enemy as a member of the (in)famous Bomb Squad on PEs debut release Yo Bum Rush the Show and their classic album It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold us Back. Over the years the emmy award nominated DJ/producer has also lent his production and seditious scratching skills to projects by such legendary artists as Mavis Staples, Pete Cosey, Mandrill, KRS ONE, Slick Rick, Doug E. Fresh, The Beastie Boys, Darryl "DMC" McDaniels, LL Cool J, Rob Swift, and Leaders of the New School, to name but a few.
As X-Vandals, Not4Prophet and DJ Johnny Juice have electrified stages and edutained every audience, and have also conducted enlightening lectures and workshops in schools, University's and prisons on the politics of street survival and the war of art.
X-Vandals are looking to book at your school/university during the moths of September thru May.
As conscious, politically active, people (and artists) of color who have in the past (and present) build with youth and shape ideas and lives, thru the use of knowledge, culture art 9and having fun!), X-Vandals would undoubtedly be perfect for your school. X-Vandals is not just entertainment, it is an experience.
Here's what a few others have said about X-vandals:
" X-Vandals passion and commitment to the cause and the culture, and their ideologically intense level of knowledge, energy, skill and realism set a new and staunch standard for Hip Hop and its righteous quest black to the future. With their furious and uncompromising fusion of hardcore Rap, political punk rock, old school street salsa and what Motown founder Berry Gordy used to call "a combination of rats, roaches, soul, guts and love", X-Vandals will surely scare many lesser efforts and all challengers away from even attempting such a sonic social sabotage, and undoubtedly further frighten many a mainstream journalists from even attempting to define what these former vandals do so effectively and so well. X-Vandals are the truth. I hope you can handle it?" - Chuck D of Public Enemy
"X-Vandals are underground street soldiers battling for the very heart and soul of this upside down society. They're this generations guerrilla graffiti artists, spraying the stage with a wild style statement of purpose and bombing a multi-colored musical manifesto on all trains of thought in todays false representation of our Hip Hop culture. X-Vandals is simply reality's writing on the wall" - DMC of RUN DMC
Hip Hop without the spirit of revolution is like a body without a soul. The hardcore heartbeat rhythms of DJ Johnny Juice literally pump the lyrical blood and guts of Not4prophet's aural assaults. Together, they're like thunder and lightning, hache y machete, Chango and ellegua, a true from-the-tenements testament to the power of our illegalized legacy and Hip Hops cultural imperative. X-Vandals are pure, unapologetic "base in your face" underground and under class vibrations for all nations. 'Nuff respect to these brave warriors (who have come out to play) and defiant defenders of justice-for-the-people, who hold it down in the Hip Hop trenches. X-vandals will rock on till the break of dawn and beyond, if you can stay up that late. " - POPMASTER FABEL of Rock Steady Crew/Universal Zulu Nation
Below is more info on X-vandals. A full press kit can be provided upon request by writing us at
We look forward to hearing from you.
Emily "Resister" Fernandez
Interview with Revolutionary Artist Emory Douglas
Visit our Kasama podcast archive [1]
Kazembe writes:
“Emory Douglas was the official artist of the Black Panther Party and for a time served as its Minister of Culture. His cartoons, illustrations and woodcuts graced the cover of the Black Panther newspaper and were revered internationally for its explosive content. Emory’s work served as a touchstone for revolutionary artists throughout the 1960s and 1970s and continue to inspire. “This month the New Museum in New York City will host a major retrospective of Emory Douglas’ work. “Emory Douglas” Black Panther” brings together the host of images Douglas created for the Black Panther Party. I had the privilege of talking with Emory Douglas at the New Museum on the eve of his exhibition opening.”
Click for examples of Emory’s revolutionary art >
Posters from the Black Panther newspaper:
Click to enlarge >
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Anderson Silva is the new Bruce Lee in my opinion
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Black August Los Angeles Events
WEEK OF AUGUST 9th (Sun.) thru AUGUST 15 (Sat.)
August 9, Sunday @ 9 am
Black Panther Alumni Assoc. Breakfast
Mama's House, 3864 Crenshaw Blvd, Los Angeles 90008
Contact Roland Freeman
August 9, Sunday @ Noon
Van pool to San Francisco for SF8 Court Hrg
of Francisco Torres (thru August 10, Mon).
Contact Deacon Alexander 213.985.8770
August 10, Monday @ 7pm - 8:30pm
Capoeira Angola de Sao Bento Grande
Urban Contemporary Dance Center
2920 1/2 W. Florence Ave.
Los Angeles 90043. Walk through the driveway to back of the building.
Class fee is waived for Black August (donations accepted).
Contact Professor Jahsun - 619.218.9521
August 10, Monday - August 18, Saturday
Black Karate Federation, Boxing, Kickboxing, Kung Fu, Submission Wrestling, MMA, Aikido
The Academy of Martial Arts.US, 3403 W.43rd St, Los Angeles 90008..
No payment required when you mention Black August for new student (donations accepted).
Contact Brother Ahmad - 323.296.5778
August 13 Thursday @ 7pm
Report on status of San Francisco 8 Case
AFIBA Center, 5730 Crenshaw Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90043
August 15, Saturday @ 3 pm
Police Encounters - Know Your Rights
Human Rights Advocacy
AFIBA Center, 5730 Crenshaw Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90043
Letter Writing to Political Prisoners
The Baobab Project of Black August Los Angeles is intended to provide a bridge to connect those behind the walls with those outside. Postcards and addresses of our political prisoners will be provided at each BALA event.
Collective Breaking of Daylight Fast
For those who want to end the daylight fast with healthy food, the comrades at Vegi Soul are offering one free lemonade or tea with purchase of a meal and mention of Black August.
Vegi Soul, 1436 W Jefferson Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 323-731-8344
The calendar for Black August Los Angeles is attached as a pdf file.
For more info call James at 424-200-4968
Black August Los Angeles
"Settle your quarrles, come together,
understand the reality of our situation,
understand that fascism is already here,
that people are dying who could be saved,
that generations more will die or live poor
butchered half-lives if you fail to act.
Do what must be done, discover your
humanity and your love in revolution.
Pass on the torch. Join us..."
"The sooner begun, the sooner done."
Comrade George Jackson
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Re: APOC Philly Slap a White Boy Action Against Crimethinc
We understand that the white left isn't where it should be, but we shouldn't make it about them. That is never our responsibility, we're wasting time, energy, and resources on them instead of building in our own communities: building autonomous people's councils, "people's institutions," and revolutionary base areas.
Really, sometimes we do have to slap a white boy, that's real. That's if they're attacking our communities or disrespecting, sometimes you have to do that. From what I hear though, those Crimethinc folks were having dialogue on gentrification (challenging it) and how they could be better allies, even though I disagree with their politics and their approach.
We should be conscious that there is a "left-wing white supremacy" (as Lorenzo Komboa Ervin pointed out) in the forms of white left vanguard parties and also within the anarchist "scene" but how do we challenge that? Do we go to their gatherings and disrupt their events? What for? To me it shows that maybe that is where the folks that did this action are at, and what they see more important, self-gratification vs. the needs of the people. We should challenge the ideas that come from Crimethinc and the left-wing white supremacists, more so in the realm of theory, practice, and praxis. Let's not make it about what they're doing, that is for them to figure out.
I applaud the work of folks in Philly in the sense that they're creating a space for queer, trans, and non-men-identifying folks of color. I support that just like I support people of color creating their own vision, strategy, space etc. I was never opposed to that. My concerns were the approach of some of the folks that identify as APOC as a whole. In general, again, my people are my responsibility, and we have to work with each other where we're at.
I feel that the Crimethinc actions were reactionary, in all meanings of the word reactionary.
We don't have any real political, theoretical, and/or tactical unity at this point within APOC, and I feel this is where all these disagreements stem from. However, I hope if someone does an an action in the name of APOC that can jeopardize the group, that we hold them accountable.
I do think we should all put out a statement or at least different APOC collectives put out different statements publicly. Since the majority of people think that the Crimethinc "Slap a White Boy" action was endorsed by all of APOC.
Jordan spoke about Philly folks building autonomy, we should all get into what that really means. Having my own understanding of autonomy, learning from the indigenous communities down south in Mexico, it does not mean we go into communities that are not our own and tell people how they should organize, or imposing our vision on others. It does not mean building a click or a scene, it means building dual power and confronting the state, the settler-colonial institutions and creating the councils of the people that are the foundation for the new world we are trying to build.